Перевод: со всех языков на все языки

со всех языков на все языки

radical words

  • 1 vogue words, buzz words and catch phrases

    •• Речевая мода и ее влияние на язык – тема неисчерпаемая. Модные слова, «словечки», выражения, фразы – все то, что объединяется английскими словосочетаниями в заголовке этой статьи, – играют огромную роль в развитии любого языка, возможно не меньшую, чем необходимость именовать новые явления действительности. Нельзя согласиться с мнением, что языковая мода – явление чисто паразитарное, эфемерное, что модные слова исчезают, не оставляя следа или перерождаются в стертые клише. Во всех этих «обвинениях» есть доля истины (достаточно вспомнить такие модные сейчас слова-паразиты как как бы и на самом деле), но человек, который хочет понять язык и общество, не может позволить себе ими ограничиваться. Что касается переводчика, то он должен «следить за модой» во всех языках, с которыми он работает.

    •• Почему в какой-то момент большинство из нас вдруг начинает все чаще говорить «однозначно», «структуры», «вменяемый», «разборка», «подковерная борьба» и тому подобное? Для всех этих слов и выражений нетрудно найти синонимы, которыми мы раньше прекрасно обходились. Некоторые из этих слов встречались в нашей речи и раньше, правда, далеко не так часто, как до возникшего поветрия. То же самое происходит время от времени и в английском языке. Чаще всего это происходит так: все большее число говорящих подхватывают какое-либо слово или выражение из числа общеупотребительных (relate to, manipulate, pipeline), терминологических (schizophrenia, subtext, synergy, oxymoron), жаргонных (no-brainer, reality check) и даже иностранных (déjà vu, chic, macho) и без особой на то видимой причины такое слово становится общепонятным в определенном значении (иногда туманном, размытом – relate to, forward-looking, а иногда – в четком и даже единичном – no-brainer, subtext). К этой же категории я отношу популярные в какой-то период словосочетания и «прецедентные высказывания» типа Нам такой хоккей не нужен или The buck stops here (см. статью policy, politics, politician). Учитывая необъятность темы, ограничимся краткими комментариями к этим и нескольким другим чисто иллюстративным примерам.
    •• basket case – это словосочетание приобрело широкое хождение в последние годы, чаще всего в варианте economic basket case:
    •• 1. South Korea’s President converted an economic basket case into an industrial powerhouse (Time). – Президент Южной Кореи привел страну от экономической разрухи к расцвету индустриальной мощи;
    •• 2. After World War I, when the Hapsburg empire was split up, little Austria seemed a basket case (Paul A. Samuelson). – После второй мировой войны и распада габсбургской империи казалось, что экономика маленькой Австрии обречена.
    •• Последний пример заимствован из The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Правда, я не согласен с авторами словаря, относящими это выражение к сленгу. Но его определение здесь – ясное и точное: one that is in a completely hopeless or useless condition. Словарь приводит и мрачновато-циничную этимологию этого словосочетания: In origin it had a physical meaning. In the grim slang of the British army during World War I, it referred to a quadruple amputee. Многочисленные примеры подтверждают следующее наблюдение: In popular usage basket case refers to someone in a hopeless mental condition. Вот фраза, найденная на сайте www.gospelcom.net: I don’t want to turn my daughter into some kind of high pressured basket case. – Я не хочу, чтобы моя дочь превратилась в измотанного/перегруженного проблемами неврастеника. If Gloria has one more crisis, she’ll be a basket case (Wayne Magnuson). – Еще один такой кризис, и Глорию впору будет лечить. В 80-е годы культовую популярность приобрел фильм режиссера Фрэнка Хененлаттера Basket Case, но его сюжет подсказывает скорее дословный перевод – «Человек из корзины» (можно, наверное попробовать и что-нибудь типа «Совсем пропащий»).
    •• been there, done that – модное выражение, означающее то же самое, что наше на эти грабли мы (вы) уже наступали. Встречается в речи госсекретаря США Мадлен Олбрайт (вообще любительницы модных словечек);
    •• bragging rights This gives him bragging rights – это то же самое, что и одинаково модное выражение his claim to fame – предмет гордости или апломба;
    •• breathless – в значении, иллюстрируемом приводимыми ниже примерами, этого слова нет ни в одном (!) известном мне словаре английского языка. Возможно, оно не выделяется говорящими по-английски как отдельное значение, но, на мой взгляд, оно этого явно заслуживает. Итак, примеры:
    •• 1. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld spent an hour on television refuting “the questions, allegations and breathless reports” [about the treatment of Al Qaeda prisoners] (Washington Post);
    •• 2. Malcolm Parks, a communications professor at the University of Washington, accuses Young of making “breathless statements” based on skewed stories (Reason Magazine);
    •• 3. More disturbing than this announcement is the Tennis Academy’s breathless characterization of Monique (сайт CNN и Sports Illustrated – www.cnnsi.com).
    •• Посмотрим теперь значения этого слова по одному из наиболее полных словарей – The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language:
    •• 1. Breathing with difficulty; gasping: was breathless from running. 2. Marked by the suspension of regular breathing, as from tension or excitement: a breathless audience. 3. Causing or capable of causing the suspension of regular breathing; tense or exciting: a breathless flight. 4. a) Not breathing; without breath. b) Dead. 5. Having no air or breeze; still: a breathless summer day.
    •• Ни одно из определений явно не подходит к значению слова breathless в наших примерах. Это значение вытекает из своего рода «метафорического расширения» – представим себе человека, делающего какое-то заявление или высказывание, если можно так выразиться, не переводя дыхания, не вздохнув, не подумав. Отсюда предлагаемые переводы. В первом случае: Министр обороны Рамсфельд в течение часа опровергал по телевидению «безосновательные утверждения, вопросы и сообщения» (позволим себе здесь небольшую перестановку). Во втором случае: ...поспешные заявления, основанные на искаженной информации. Наконец, в третьем примере (disturbing... breathless characterization) можно говорить о непродуманной и даже неумной характеристике. В других контекстах могут пригодиться прилагательные опрометчивый, бездумный и, может быть, даже скоропостижный в его новомодном значении (см. русско-английскую часть словаря);
    •• closure – основное значение этого слова (например, в словосочетаниях school closure, military base closure, closure of debate) соответствует русским словам закрытие, завершение, прекращение. Подбор правильного соответствия не требует особых усилий. Правда, в некоторых случаях желательно достаточно полно представлять себе, о чем идет речь. Так, в последнем примере – closure of debate - имеется в виду принятая в Конгрессе США специальная процедура голосования с целью прекратить так называемый филибастер – преднамеренное затягивание прений. Этимологически и в смысловом отношении близко к первоначальному и значение этого слова в словосочетании closure of a deal - примерно то же самое, что у нас оформление сделки. Webster’s Third International Dictionary дает как устаревшее значение agreement. Мне, однако, не раз приходилось слышать его именно в этом значении из уст госсекретаря США Джорджа Шульца: We need to come to closure on this issue before the summit. Дальнейшее развитие основного значения привело к широко распространившемуся в последнее время новому оттенку, еще не отраженному в большинстве словарей. Определение, найденное мною в Cambridge Dictionary of American English, оставляет желать лучшего: the satisfying feeling that something bad or shocking has finally ended (и пример: Only the recovery of the bodies of the victims of the crash would bring closure to their families). Все в этом определении, особенно слово satisfying, сильно огрубляет действительную картину.
    •• Обратимся к материалу телеканала «Би-би-си» о состоявшейся 28 октября 2001 года в Нью-Йорке поминальной службе по жертвам трагедии 11 сентября: One word was on everyone’s lips at Sunday’s memorial service for victims of the World Trade Center disaster – “closure”. Дальше в тексте множество «подсказок», позволяющих точнее истолковать это слово: It is difficult for the grieving relatives to come to terms with their loss... It’s difficult to come to grips with... It’s another step in putting this behind you... и наоборот: This is not closure to me, it just opens a wound. I don’t think I’ll ever heal from this. В другом контексте: Jessica Patterson, a former Enron employee, said Jeffrey K. Skilling, the former chief executive [...] “didn’t say anything that brought any closure” (New York Times). Как мне кажется, перевод этого слова в данном значении почти всегда контекстуален и в какой-то мере – дело вкуса и такта. Это может быть облегчение, исцеление, вариант с глаголами примириться или смириться (с потерей), может быть, даже итог или катарсис. Впрочем, иногда перевод, как говорится, напрашивается: There was much questioning whether the trial would finally bring closure to the single darkest event in the history of Alabama (www.africana.com). – Многие задаются вопросом, сможет ли этот судебный процесс подвести черту под самым мрачным событием в истории Алабамы;
    •• conventional wisdom – популярное с некоторых пор выражение, означающее общепринятое мнение (далее обычно следует его опровержение или уточнение);
    •• to be in denial – из психиатрии это выражение перешло в разряд широко употребительных. Из письма возмущенного читателя (явно не поклонника Клинтона) в редакцию журнала Time: Are we in denial? Are we not aware that America’s declining moral and ethical standards are reflected in the polls that sanction the alleged conduct of the President? ( Sanction здесь означает одобрять, допускать. Случай употребления этого слова в обратном по существу значении см. в статье treat, treatment.) В психиатрии to be in denial означает отторгать, не желать воспринимать неприятную, негативную информацию. В переводе данного примера можно ограничиться вполне обиходным Неужели мы не хотим видеть очевидного?
    •• empower – сверхмодное слово! Его и образованные от него слова см. в статье empower, empowering, empowerment;
    •• forward-looking – стало модно в самое последнее время. Значение довольно размытое. Что-то среднее между прогрессивный, перспективный и интересный, серьезный;
    •• fungible – до недавнего времени это модное словцо, в переводе которого словари вряд ли помогут, встречалось в основном в финансово-экономических текстах: Money is fungible означает, что деньги легко перетекают из одной сферы в другую, что они не могут быть «помечены». Удачного сжатого русского перевода мне не встречалось. Но вот недавно в журнале Fortune обратило на себя внимание такое предложение: In Florio’s hands, truth is a fungible commodity. Inside the company it is well known, as a former executive puts it, that “anytime Florio tells you a number, you should cut it in half.” Из контекста очевиден смысл: Для Флорио правда – понятие растяжимое. Еще пример из «антиклинтоновской речи» сенатора Либермана: I am afraid that the misconduct the president has admitted may be reinforcing one of the worst messages being delivered by our popular culture, which is that values are fungible. Здесь тот же смысл:...недопустимое поведение президента подкрепляет утвердившееся в нашей культуре вредоносное утверждение, что мораль – понятие растяжимое/условное/относительное;
    •• get a life – недавно это выражение встретилось в неожиданном контексте – кроссворде в газете New York Times. Там оно определено просто – a 90’s catch phrase. Обычно эта фраза (в повелительном наклонении) обращена к юным лоботрясам: Get a life! Означает примерно Возьмись за ум! или Не проспи жизнь!
    •• hoops – новомодное (после вышедшего несколько лет назад одноименного документального фильма о подающих надежды юных баскетболистах) значение этого слова пока нашло отражение только в некоторых Интернет-словарях, например в www.dictionary.com. Hoops – баскетбол (делится на pro и college – профессиональный и по правилам университетской лиги), hoopster – баскетболист;
    •• governance – согласно словарям – книжное. В последнее время стало широко употребимым. См. в статье government, governance;
    •• hyperventilateНовый БАРС содержит слово hyperventilation с пометой физиол., мед. – гипервентиляция, перенасыщение кислородом крови. Глагол to hyperventilate – глубоко дышать, практиковать глубокое дыхание. В толковых словарях английского языка информации больше. The American Heritage Dictionary определяет to hyperventilate как to breathe abnormally fast or deeply; to breathe in this manner as from excitement or anxiety. Войдя в моду, это слово стало означать нечто вроде задыхаться от возмущения, возбуждения или в пылу полемики. Часто приходится подыскивать контекстуальный перевод, что можно проиллюстрировать следующими примерами:
    •• 1. Some of Mr. Ashcroft’s critics want to use his nomination to hyperventilate about abortion and the like (Wall Street Journal). - Некоторые критики г-на Эшкрофта хотят использовать его назначение, чтобы устроить истерику по поводу таких проблем, как аборты;
    •• 2. Try not to hyperventilate and reach for the Rolaids when CNBC shows shiny graphics of your stocks soaring on one day and plummeting the next (из брошюры инвестиционного дома Charles Schwab Tips on Buying Stocks for Beginners). – Старайтесь не паниковать/не падать в обморок всякий раз, когда вы видите по телевизору красочные диаграммы, показывающие, как акции, еще вчера шедшие резко вверх, обрушиваются вниз ( Rolaids – таблетки от изжоги, но в данном случае этой реалией можно в переводе пренебречь);
    •• 3. Even if you hyperventilate at the idea of looking for a new job, there are times when you should do it (Washingtonian). – Даже если вам противна сама мысль о поисках работы, бывают моменты, когда этим приходится заняться;
    •• 4. Democrats, it seems, are into sex, while Republicans hyperventilate on power (рецензия на кинофильм Clear and Present Danger). – Похоже, что демократы увлекаются сексом, а республиканцы помешаны на власти;
    •• manipulate, manipulative – не все словари фиксируют значение этого глагола ловко использовать в собственных целях. Соответственно, модное He is very manipulative невозможно перевести при помощи «эквивалента», предлагаемого Новым БАРСом,- связанный с манипуляцией, управлением ( машиной и т.п.). Возможный контекстуальный перевод: Он мастер интриги или Он ловко манипулирует людьми;
    •• no-brainer – из молодежного жаргона перешло в обиходную речь многих американцев (аналогичный пример – слова cool, weird, в комментариях не нуждающиеся). Значение этого словца простое – эквивалент нашего тоже «молодежного» – это ежу ясно;
    •• oxymoron – для большинства из нас полузабытый термин из области языкознания (стилистический прием, основанный на сочетании антонимических по значению слов, например, cruel kindness). Для образованных англичан и американцев – любое внутренне противоречивое высказывание или явление (см. также статью schizophrenia, schizophrenic). The radical center is an oxymoron only if you believe that the left and right still define all the worthwhile ideas and policies (New Yorker). – Концепция «радикального центра» внутренне противоречива лишь в глазах тех, кто считает, что все идеи и политические направления по-прежнему сводятся к «левым» и «правым»;
    •• pipeline – пример модного сейчас употребления этого слова (кстати, отраженного в наиболее полных словарях) из журнала Fortune: The firm is running off its backlog, and the pipeline is running dry. – Фирма работает за счет прежних заказов, а новых становится все меньше. In the pipeline – близко к русскому в работе, на подходе;
    •• proactiveсм. отдельную словарную статью;
    •• reinvent – вошло в моду в 1990-е годы. To reinvent government – переосмыслить роль государства; to reinvent welfare – перестроить систему социальной помощи;
    •• relate to – фраза I don’t relate to it может означать едва ли не все, что угодно, например, Мне это неинтересно, или Я этого не понимаю, или даже Я с этим не согласен. То входит в моду, то выходит из нее;
    •• reality check – первоначально из молодежного жаргона. Из речи yuppies – состоятельных молодых людей либеральных профессий – перекочевало в лексику различных слоев общества. Mrs. Albright... said she aimed to provide both Israelis and Palestinians with a reality check (International Herald Tribune). – Олбрайт заявила, что собирается напомнить как израильтянам, так и палестинцам о некоторых реальностях;
    •• schizophreniaсм. отдельную словарную статью;
    •• stakeholder – до недавнего времени просто акционер, но в последние два-три года с быстротой молнии распространилось новое значение – сторона, участник какого-либо общественного процесса. Как правило, имеются в виду государство, деловые круги, общественные движения, организации, отражающие интересы различных слоев общества, и т.д. Отсюда словосочетание multistakeholder dialogue, которое, чтобы не усложнять себе жизнь, лучше переводить просто многосторонний диалог;
    •• synergy – согласно Новому БАРСу, это слово относится либо к медицинской терминологии ( синергия), либо к разряду книжных слов. В современном английском встречается сплошь и рядом в значении сочетание взаимно усиливающих друг друга сил, явлений, тенденций и т.п. или просто любое сочетание, как в этом примере из журнала New Yorker: I don’t think that these synergies would work. I wonder whether a writer would want to spend his time managing his business rather than writing;
    •• vision – это чрезвычайно модное слово см. в статье philosophy;
    •• to walk the talk – неожиданно вошедшая в моду фраза, выражающая мысль о том, что слово не должно расходиться с делом. Lazard is a group of important people giving important people advice. Doubtless Rohatyn counted himself among the former, and he did walk the talk (Fortune);
    •• - wise – так же, как и -ism, относится к модным суффиксам. При его помощи образуются какие угодно слова – policy-wise, talent-wise, credibility-wise и т.д. Все они без особого труда понимаются и переводятся при помощи словосочетаний с точки зрения, в смысле, в аспекте.
    •• В заключение простой совет – не увлекайтесь модными словами и фразами (равно как и жаргонными и другими фразеологическими выражениями) по крайней мере до тех пор, пока у вас не будет уверенности, что вы их полностью «прочувствовали». Иначе можно попасть впросак, перепутав или смысл, или связанные со словом ассоциации, или допустив совсем ненужную вам иронию. За модой надо, конечно, следить, быть «во всеоружии», но, мне кажется, что говорить на иностранном языке, да и на родном, надо просто и ясно.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > vogue words, buzz words and catch phrases

  • 2 S

    S, s, indecl. n. or (agreeing with littera) f.
    The eighteenth letter of the Latin alphabet, corresponding in form to the old Greek S for S (Etruscan in a reversed form,);

    in its nature a sibilant semi-vowel, whose peculiarities were much discussed by the ancients, and are even treated of in a special work by Messala, a contemporary of Augustus (Messala in libro de S littera,

    Quint. 1, 7, 23; cf. Mart. Cap. 3, § 245).—
    As an initial and medial it has a hard and sharp sound (which is softened, however, between two vowels), and is therefore joined only with the tenues (c, p, t; cf., on the contrary, the Gr. sbennumi);

    and, as a medial, often written double after long vowels: caussa, cassus, divissiones (these forms, used by Cicero and Vergil, were already uncommon in Quintilian's time,

    Quint. 1, 7, 20; v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 283 sq.).—
    As a final it had a weakened sound, and therefore not only admitted the medial b before it (plebs, urbs, abs; Arabs, chalybs, etc.; v. the letter B), but often entirely disappeared. So in the ante-class. poets down to the early years of Cicero (and also in his own poem, entitled Aratus, written in his youth), before words beginning with a consonant, to avoid position: Ratu' Romulus, Fulviu' Nobilior, gravi' Terra, est sati' bella, Hyperioni' cursum, Virgine' nam sibi, etc.; cf. Cic. Or. 48, 161; Quint. 9, 4, 38; and v. Freund, in Jahn's Neue Jahrb. 1835, XIII. p. 25 sq.; less freq. before words beginning with a vowel, in which case, to avoid a hiatus, the vowel before s was also elided; vas' argenteis (for vasis argenteis) and palm' et crinibus (for palmis et crinibus); v. Cic. Or. 45, 153. So, too, in the fourth Epitaph of the Scipios (Inscr. Orell. 553), L. CORNELIO L. F. instead of CORNELIOS (cf. a similar elision of the M under that letter). Final s is also elided, and the preceding vowel either dropped with it or weakened, in the forms sat from satis, mage from magis; in the neutr. forms of adjectives of the third declension, acre, agreste, facile (v. the letter E); in the collat. forms of the sec. pers. sing. pass., fatere, fateare, fatebare, etc.; in the gen. sing. of the first, second, and fifth declensions, and in the nom. plur. of the first and second declensions (aurai for aura-is, analog. to reg is, etc.). Lastly, s disappears in the (mostly familiar) collat. forms abin', scin', viden', satin', from abisne, scisne, videsne, satisne, etc.—
    As an etymological initial aspirate, s appears in many words whose Greek equivalents begin with a vowel: sal, semi-, serpo, sex, super, sus, corresp. to hals, hêmi-, herpô, hex, huper, us, etc.; si (archaic sei), sero, Segesta, corresp. to ei, ERÔ (whence eirô), Egesta. Less freq. in radical words beginning with a consonant: sculpo corresp. to gluphô, and the derivatives scruta, from grutê, and scrupedae, from kroupeza. To soften the termination, s appears in abs = ab, and ex corresp. to ek.—Very freq., on the contrary, an initial s appears in cognate forms in other languages, where corresp. Latin words have lost the s: Lat. fallo, Gr. sphallô; fungus, Gr. sphongos; fides, Gr. sphidê (comp. also nix with Engl. [p. 1609] snow, nurus with old Germ. snur, daughterin-law); cf. also cutis and scutum; cauda and root sku-, in Goth. skauts, etc.; casa and Gr. skia, skênê; cerno and Gr. krinô for skirnô, skôr, skôria; calumnia and skallô; gradior and root scra-, Germ. schreiten; parco and sparnos; penuria and spanis; pando and spaô; tego and stegô; tono and stonos; taurus and Sanscr. sthūras, Germ. Stier al.; v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, p. 277 sqq.—In the middle of a word s is dropped in at from ast.—
    S is interchanged,
    Most freq. with r; in partic., an original s, between two vowels, becomes r; v. Varr. L. L. 7, § 26 Müll.; so foederum for foedesum, plurima for plusima, meliorem for meliosem, Lares for Lases, etc.; cf. eram and sum, quaero and quaeso, nasus and naris. Appius Claudius, the censor, is said to have introduced r into the names Furius, Valerius, etc., in place of s, B.C. 312 (v. the letter R, II.).—
    With d: Claudius, from the Sabine Clausus; and, on the other hand, rosa, corresp. to the Gr. rhodon; cf. Schneid. Gram. 1, p. 259.—
    With t: tensus and tentus, resina corresp. to rhêtinê; and, on the contrary, aggrettus for aggressus; mertare, pultare, for mersare, pulsare (perh. also assentor for assensor).—
    With x; v. that letter.—
    S is assimilated before f in the compounds of dis: differo, difficilis, diffluo, etc.; v. 3. dis.— On the other hand, it arises by assimilation from d, in assum, assumo, cessi, for adsum, adsumo, ced-si; from t in fassus, from fateor; from b in jussi, from jubeo; from m in pressi, from premo; from r in gessi, from gero; and dossuarius, from dorsum. —
    As an abbreviation, S denotes sacrum, semis, sibi, suis, etc.; S. AS. D., sub asciā dedicavit; S. C., senatusconsultum; perh. also, sententia collegii (Inscr. Orell. 2385); S. P., sua pecunia; S. P. Q. R., Senatus Populusque Romanus, etc.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > S

  • 3 s

    S, s, indecl. n. or (agreeing with littera) f.
    The eighteenth letter of the Latin alphabet, corresponding in form to the old Greek S for S (Etruscan in a reversed form,);

    in its nature a sibilant semi-vowel, whose peculiarities were much discussed by the ancients, and are even treated of in a special work by Messala, a contemporary of Augustus (Messala in libro de S littera,

    Quint. 1, 7, 23; cf. Mart. Cap. 3, § 245).—
    As an initial and medial it has a hard and sharp sound (which is softened, however, between two vowels), and is therefore joined only with the tenues (c, p, t; cf., on the contrary, the Gr. sbennumi);

    and, as a medial, often written double after long vowels: caussa, cassus, divissiones (these forms, used by Cicero and Vergil, were already uncommon in Quintilian's time,

    Quint. 1, 7, 20; v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 283 sq.).—
    As a final it had a weakened sound, and therefore not only admitted the medial b before it (plebs, urbs, abs; Arabs, chalybs, etc.; v. the letter B), but often entirely disappeared. So in the ante-class. poets down to the early years of Cicero (and also in his own poem, entitled Aratus, written in his youth), before words beginning with a consonant, to avoid position: Ratu' Romulus, Fulviu' Nobilior, gravi' Terra, est sati' bella, Hyperioni' cursum, Virgine' nam sibi, etc.; cf. Cic. Or. 48, 161; Quint. 9, 4, 38; and v. Freund, in Jahn's Neue Jahrb. 1835, XIII. p. 25 sq.; less freq. before words beginning with a vowel, in which case, to avoid a hiatus, the vowel before s was also elided; vas' argenteis (for vasis argenteis) and palm' et crinibus (for palmis et crinibus); v. Cic. Or. 45, 153. So, too, in the fourth Epitaph of the Scipios (Inscr. Orell. 553), L. CORNELIO L. F. instead of CORNELIOS (cf. a similar elision of the M under that letter). Final s is also elided, and the preceding vowel either dropped with it or weakened, in the forms sat from satis, mage from magis; in the neutr. forms of adjectives of the third declension, acre, agreste, facile (v. the letter E); in the collat. forms of the sec. pers. sing. pass., fatere, fateare, fatebare, etc.; in the gen. sing. of the first, second, and fifth declensions, and in the nom. plur. of the first and second declensions (aurai for aura-is, analog. to reg is, etc.). Lastly, s disappears in the (mostly familiar) collat. forms abin', scin', viden', satin', from abisne, scisne, videsne, satisne, etc.—
    As an etymological initial aspirate, s appears in many words whose Greek equivalents begin with a vowel: sal, semi-, serpo, sex, super, sus, corresp. to hals, hêmi-, herpô, hex, huper, us, etc.; si (archaic sei), sero, Segesta, corresp. to ei, ERÔ (whence eirô), Egesta. Less freq. in radical words beginning with a consonant: sculpo corresp. to gluphô, and the derivatives scruta, from grutê, and scrupedae, from kroupeza. To soften the termination, s appears in abs = ab, and ex corresp. to ek.—Very freq., on the contrary, an initial s appears in cognate forms in other languages, where corresp. Latin words have lost the s: Lat. fallo, Gr. sphallô; fungus, Gr. sphongos; fides, Gr. sphidê (comp. also nix with Engl. [p. 1609] snow, nurus with old Germ. snur, daughterin-law); cf. also cutis and scutum; cauda and root sku-, in Goth. skauts, etc.; casa and Gr. skia, skênê; cerno and Gr. krinô for skirnô, skôr, skôria; calumnia and skallô; gradior and root scra-, Germ. schreiten; parco and sparnos; penuria and spanis; pando and spaô; tego and stegô; tono and stonos; taurus and Sanscr. sthūras, Germ. Stier al.; v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, p. 277 sqq.—In the middle of a word s is dropped in at from ast.—
    S is interchanged,
    Most freq. with r; in partic., an original s, between two vowels, becomes r; v. Varr. L. L. 7, § 26 Müll.; so foederum for foedesum, plurima for plusima, meliorem for meliosem, Lares for Lases, etc.; cf. eram and sum, quaero and quaeso, nasus and naris. Appius Claudius, the censor, is said to have introduced r into the names Furius, Valerius, etc., in place of s, B.C. 312 (v. the letter R, II.).—
    With d: Claudius, from the Sabine Clausus; and, on the other hand, rosa, corresp. to the Gr. rhodon; cf. Schneid. Gram. 1, p. 259.—
    With t: tensus and tentus, resina corresp. to rhêtinê; and, on the contrary, aggrettus for aggressus; mertare, pultare, for mersare, pulsare (perh. also assentor for assensor).—
    With x; v. that letter.—
    S is assimilated before f in the compounds of dis: differo, difficilis, diffluo, etc.; v. 3. dis.— On the other hand, it arises by assimilation from d, in assum, assumo, cessi, for adsum, adsumo, ced-si; from t in fassus, from fateor; from b in jussi, from jubeo; from m in pressi, from premo; from r in gessi, from gero; and dossuarius, from dorsum. —
    As an abbreviation, S denotes sacrum, semis, sibi, suis, etc.; S. AS. D., sub asciā dedicavit; S. C., senatusconsultum; perh. also, sententia collegii (Inscr. Orell. 2385); S. P., sua pecunia; S. P. Q. R., Senatus Populusque Romanus, etc.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > s

  • 4 Primigenia

    prīmĭgĕnĭus, a, um, adj. [primusgeno, gigno].
    First of all, first of its kind, original, primitive (ante- and post-class.):


    Varr. R. R. 2, 2:


    id. ib. 1, 40:

    seminis fontes,

    Amm. 14, 6, 17:


    radical words, primitives, Varr. L. L. 6, § 36 Müll.: primigenius sulcus dicitur, qui in condendā novā urbe tauro et vaccā designationis causā imprimitur, Paul. ex Fest. p. 236 Müll.—
    prīmĭgĕnĭa, ōrum, n., the first principle or nature:


    Amm. 26, 10, 16.—
    Prīmĭgĕ-nĭi, ōrum, m., an epithet of the Phrygians, who claimed to be the first men, App. M. 11, p. 259, 7.—
    Prīmĭgĕnĭa, ae, f., an epithet of Fortuna, as the attendant of her favorite from birth, Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 28; Liv. 29, 36, 8; 34, 53, 5.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Primigenia

  • 5 primigenia

    prīmĭgĕnĭus, a, um, adj. [primusgeno, gigno].
    First of all, first of its kind, original, primitive (ante- and post-class.):


    Varr. R. R. 2, 2:


    id. ib. 1, 40:

    seminis fontes,

    Amm. 14, 6, 17:


    radical words, primitives, Varr. L. L. 6, § 36 Müll.: primigenius sulcus dicitur, qui in condendā novā urbe tauro et vaccā designationis causā imprimitur, Paul. ex Fest. p. 236 Müll.—
    prīmĭgĕnĭa, ōrum, n., the first principle or nature:


    Amm. 26, 10, 16.—
    Prīmĭgĕ-nĭi, ōrum, m., an epithet of the Phrygians, who claimed to be the first men, App. M. 11, p. 259, 7.—
    Prīmĭgĕnĭa, ae, f., an epithet of Fortuna, as the attendant of her favorite from birth, Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 28; Liv. 29, 36, 8; 34, 53, 5.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > primigenia

  • 6 Primigenii

    prīmĭgĕnĭus, a, um, adj. [primusgeno, gigno].
    First of all, first of its kind, original, primitive (ante- and post-class.):


    Varr. R. R. 2, 2:


    id. ib. 1, 40:

    seminis fontes,

    Amm. 14, 6, 17:


    radical words, primitives, Varr. L. L. 6, § 36 Müll.: primigenius sulcus dicitur, qui in condendā novā urbe tauro et vaccā designationis causā imprimitur, Paul. ex Fest. p. 236 Müll.—
    prīmĭgĕnĭa, ōrum, n., the first principle or nature:


    Amm. 26, 10, 16.—
    Prīmĭgĕ-nĭi, ōrum, m., an epithet of the Phrygians, who claimed to be the first men, App. M. 11, p. 259, 7.—
    Prīmĭgĕnĭa, ae, f., an epithet of Fortuna, as the attendant of her favorite from birth, Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 28; Liv. 29, 36, 8; 34, 53, 5.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Primigenii

  • 7 primigenius

    prīmĭgĕnĭus, a, um, adj. [primusgeno, gigno].
    First of all, first of its kind, original, primitive (ante- and post-class.):


    Varr. R. R. 2, 2:


    id. ib. 1, 40:

    seminis fontes,

    Amm. 14, 6, 17:


    radical words, primitives, Varr. L. L. 6, § 36 Müll.: primigenius sulcus dicitur, qui in condendā novā urbe tauro et vaccā designationis causā imprimitur, Paul. ex Fest. p. 236 Müll.—
    prīmĭgĕnĭa, ōrum, n., the first principle or nature:


    Amm. 26, 10, 16.—
    Prīmĭgĕ-nĭi, ōrum, m., an epithet of the Phrygians, who claimed to be the first men, App. M. 11, p. 259, 7.—
    Prīmĭgĕnĭa, ae, f., an epithet of Fortuna, as the attendant of her favorite from birth, Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 28; Liv. 29, 36, 8; 34, 53, 5.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > primigenius

  • 8 основен

    basic, fundamental, underlying
    (главен) main. chief, principal, cardinal
    (цялостен) radical, thorough-going
    (първичен) primary; тех. middle
    хим. basic
    основен доклад a main report
    основен закон a fundamental/basic law
    основен камък a foundation stone
    основен капитал basic/fixed capital, stock-in-trade
    основен материал source material
    основен преглед a thorough examination
    основен речников фонд a basic stock of words
    основен тон муз. и прен. keynote
    основна храна basic food, staple diet
    основна причина a fundamental cause
    основна работа a regular/full-time job
    основна слабост/грешка an inherent weakness/mistake
    основно почистване (на къща) a spring cleaning, (на машина и пр.) a thorough cleaning
    основното (в учение и пр.) the essential/main thing
    основни въпроси main/basic problems, background problems
    основни принципи underlying principles
    основни начала points of reference
    основни линии/черти terms of reference, basic lines
    в основните си черти/линии in substance, in the main
    основни познания thorough/intimate knowledge (no of)
    * * *
    прил., -на, -но, -ни basic, fundamental, underlying, core; ( главен) main, chief, principal, cardinal; ( цялостен) radical, thorough(-going); ( първичен) primary; техн. middle; хим. basic; (за съчинения) standard; като същ. \основенното (в учение и пр.) the essential/main thing; в \основенните си линии in substance, in the main; \основенен доклад main report; \основенен камък foundation stone; \основенен капитал basic/fixed capital, stock-in-trade; \основенен материал source material; \основенен речников фонд basic stock of words; \основенен тон муз. (и прен.) keynote; \основенна биография standard life; \основенна гласна език. stem vowel; \основенна дума (в речник) key-word; \основенна книга (по даден въпрос) standard book; \основенна мисъл keynote; \основенна причина fundamental cause; \основенна работа regular/full-time job; \основенна слабост/грешка inherent weakness/mistake; \основенна храна basic food, staple diet; \основенни въпроси main/basic problems, background problems; \основенни моменти highlights; \основенни начала points of reference; \основенни познания thorough/intimate knowledge (по of); \основенни принципи underlying principles; \основенни цветове primary colours; \основенни черти terms of reference, basic lines; \основенните форми на механиката mechanical powers; \основенният проблем the gut problem; \основенно значение primary meaning; \основенно положение basic assumption; \основенно почистване (на къща) spring cleaning, (на машина и пр.) thorough cleaning; \основенно правило ground/cardinal rule; \основенно уреждане (на въпрос) comprehensive settlement; \основенно училище primary school.
    * * *
    basal; basic: основен capital - основен капитал; capital (главен); general (главен); main (главен): основен subject - основна тема; primal (главен): основен goal - основна цел; alkaline (хим.); cardinal (кардинален); elemental; essential (същностен); fundamental; middle (техн.); pivotal; rudimentary{ru;di`mentxri}; thorough (обстоен)
    * * *
    1. (главен) main. chief, principal, cardinal 2. (за съчинения) standard 3. (първичен) primary;mex. middle 4. (цялостен) radical, thorough-going) 5. basic, fundamental, underlying 6. ОСНОВЕН доклад a main report 7. ОСНОВЕН закон a fundamental/basic law 8. ОСНОВЕН камък a foundation stone 9. ОСНОВЕН капитал basic/fixed capital, stock-in-trade 10. ОСНОВЕН материал source material 11. ОСНОВЕН преглед a thorough examination 12. ОСНОВЕН речников фонд a basic stock of words 13. ОСНОВЕН тон муз. и прен. keynote 14. в основните си черти/линии in substance, in the main 15. основна биография a standard life 16. основна гласна a stem vowel 17. основна дума (в речник) key-word 18. основна заплата basic pay 19. основна книга (по даден въпрос) a standard book 20. основна мисъл keynote 21. основна причина a fundamental cause 22. основна работа a regular/full-time job 23. основна слабост/грешка an inherent weakness/mistake 24. основна храна basic food, staple diet 25. основни въпроси main/basic problems, background problems 26. основни линии/черти terms of reference, basic lines 27. основни начала points of reference 28. основни познания thorough/ intimate knowledge (no of) 29. основни принципи underlying principles 30. основни учебни предмети basic subjects/studies 31. основни цветове primary colours 32. основните форми на механиката mechanical powers 33. основно значение a primary meaning 34. основно положение a basic assumption 35. основно почистване (на къща) a spring cleaning, (на машина и пр.) a thorough cleaning 36. основно правило a cardinal rule 37. основно уреждане (на въпрос) a comprehensive settlement 38. основно училище a primary school 39. основното (в учение и пр.) the essential/main thing 40. съставям основната храна на form the staple diet of 41. хим. basic

    Български-английски речник > основен

  • 9 discours

    discours [diskuʀ]
    masculine noun
       a. ( = allocution) speech
    faire or prononcer un discours to make a speech
    assez de discours, des faits ! that's enough talk, let's see some action!
       c. ( = idées exprimées) views
       d. le discours ( = expression verbale) speech
    au discours direct/indirect in direct/indirect speech
    * * *
    nom masculin invariable
    1) ( exposé) speech ( sur on)
    2) ( paroles) talk

    assez de discours, des actes! — let's have less talk and more action!

    3) ( propos) views (pl); Politique position
    * * *
    1. vb
    2. nm
    1) (= allocution) speech
    2) (= analyse) line

    Votre discours est très radical. — You take a very radical line.

    3) péjoratif (= parole)

    pas de discours, des actes! — we need action, not words!

    4) LINGUISTIQUE speech

    discours indirect — indirect speech, reported speech

    * * *
    discours nm inv
    1 ( exposé) speech (devant in front of; sur on); faire/prononcer/improviser un discours to make/to deliver/to improvise a speech; un discours inaugural/d'ouverture/de clôture/d'investiture inaugural/opening/closing/investiture speech; un discours, un discours! speech, speech!;
    2 ( paroles) talk; assez de discours, des actes! let's have less talk and more action!, we want deeds not words!; il nous ennuie avec ses discours he bores us with his talk; fais ce que je te dis et pas de discours! do what I say and no argument!; tenir de longs discours sur qch to talk at great length about sth, to hold forth about sth; les beaux discours ne servent à rien fine words butter no parsnips;
    3 ( propos) views (pl); Pol position; il tient toujours le même discours his views haven't changed; le discours écologique/des syndicats the position of the ecologists/the unions;
    4 Ling ( utilisation de la langue) speech; ( unité de comportement) discourse; discours direct/indirect/rapporté direct/indirect/reported speech; l'analyse du discours discourse analysis.
    discours programme Pol keynote speech.
    [diskur] nom masculin
    1. [allocution] speech, address
    ‘Discours de la méthode’ Descartes ‘Discourse on Method’
    2. (péjoratif) [bavardage] chatter
    se perdre en longs discours to talk ou to chatter endlessly
    3. LINGUISTIQUE [langage réalisé] speech
    [unité supérieure à la phrase] discourse
    5. [expression d'une opinion] discourse

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > discours

  • 10 word

    wə:d 1. noun
    1) (the smallest unit of language (whether written, spoken or read).) ord
    2) (a (brief) conversation: I'd like a (quick) word with you in my office.) ord, prat
    3) (news: When you get there, send word that you've arrived safely.) beskjed; nytt, nyhet
    4) (a solemn promise: He gave her his word that it would never happen again.) (lov)ord, løfte
    2. verb
    (to express in written or spoken language: How are you going to word the letter so that it doesn't seem rude?) ordlegge, formulere
    - word processor
    - word processing
    - word-perfect
    - by word of mouth
    - get a word in edgeways
    - in a word
    - keep
    - break one's word
    - take someone at his word
    - take at his word
    - take someone's word for it
    - word for word
    subst. \/wɜːd\/
    1) ord, glose
    can you spell the word «rose»?
    kan du stave ordet «rose»?
    2) bud, beskjed, nyheter, underretning, meddelelse
    3) nøkkelord, passord
    4) parole, motto, slagord, maksime
    5) æresord, løfte
    6) befaling, ordre, signal, kommando
    at a word ( overført) straks, øyeblikkelig
    at the (given) word på (gitt) kommando
    a word to the wise et lite hint
    be too... for words være ubeskrivelig...
    beyond words ubeskrivelig
    big words store ord, skryt
    break one's word bryte løftet sitt
    by word and deed med råd og dåd, i ord og gjerning
    although he sometimes claimed to be radical he was always conservative by word and deed
    selv om han av og til påstod at han var radikal var han alltid konservativ i ord og gjerning
    come to words about something komme i krangel om noe, havne i en disputt om noe, ryke i tottene på hverandre for noe
    dirty word stygt ord
    few words, many deeds handling er bedre enn ord
    from the word go fra første stund, fra første dag (av), fra begynnelsen
    get a word in få et ord med i laget
    get a word in (edgeways) få inn et ord (på tvers), få inn et ord på høykant
    give the word to do something gi ordre om, kommandere
    give words to something sette ord på noe, gi uttrykk for noe
    give\/pledge\/pass one's word gi sitt (æres)ord, love
    go back on one's word gå tilbake på et løfte, bryte et løfte
    hang on somebody's word lytte åndeløst til noen
    have a word with somebody ta en prat med noen
    si noen et sannhetsord
    have no words mangle ord, ikke finne ord
    have the last word ha\/få det siste ordet
    in a word med ett ord, kort sagt
    in so many words klart og tydelig
    he told me in so many words that...
    kort og godt
    in the words of for å sitere, som... uttrykker det
    in the words of the comittee, the plan will fail
    som komiteen uttrykker det, vil planen mislykkes
    just say the word bare si fra
    keep one's words holde ord
    the last word siste skrik
    the last word on a matter siste ord i en sak
    a man\/woman of his\/her words en mann\/kvinne som holder sitt ord
    of few words av få ord, fåmælt
    one word brings the other det ene ordet følger det andre
    (up)on my word på mitt ord, på min ære
    my word upon it!
    det kan du stole på!, æresord!
    ( forbauset) min santen, ser man det, har du sett\/hørt på maken
    (up)on one's word på sitt ord, på æresord
    pass the word gi ordre, si ifra
    bare si ifra, så skal jeg gjøre det
    pass word to somebody sende bud\/beskjed til noen
    plain words rene ord, klartekst
    play (up)on words ( som verb) leke med ord, lage ordleker ( som substantiv) ordspill
    put in a word få et ord med (i laget)
    put in \/ say a good word for somebody legge inn et godt ord for noen
    put something into words uttrykke noe med ord, sette ord på noe
    put words into somebody's mouth legge ord i munnen på noen
    say the word si ifra
    stand by one's word stå ved sine ord
    take somebody at their word ta noen på ordet ta noens ord for god fisk
    take the words out of somebody's mouth ta ordene ut av munnen på noen
    take words for things forveksle ord\/løfter og\/med fakta
    that's a long word ( hverdagslig) det var da svært
    use big words bruke store ord
    with\/on the word straks, med en gang, umiddelbart
    the Word (of God) eller God's Word Guds ord
    word by\/for word ordrett, ord for ord
    word for befaling om, ordre om signal til
    the word got round that... det gikk rykte om at...
    the word has it that... det ryktes at..., det sies at...
    word of mouth muntlig
    word of warning advarende ord
    words ordelag
    ordlyd, formulering
    ytring, uttalelse
    tekst, sangtekst, visetekst
    (teater e.l.) replikker
    words fail me jeg finner ikke ord
    write word skrive og snakke om
    verb \/wɜːd\/
    1) uttrykke
    2) formulere, forfatte
    scantily worded knapp, kortfattet

    English-Norwegian dictionary > word

  • 11 cambio

    1 change.
    se ha producido un cambio de situación the situation has changed, there has been a change in the situation
    a las primeras de cambio at the first opportunity
    cambio de domicilio change of address
    cambio horario = putting clocks back or forward one hour (bianual)
    cambio de gobierno change of government
    2 exchange (intercambio).
    a cambio (de) in exchange o return (for)
    no pido nada a cambio I'm not asking for anything back o in return
    3 change (monedas).
    nos hemos quedado sin cambio(s) we're out of change
    ¿tiene cambio de cinco mil? have you got change of o for five thousand?
    quédese con el cambio keep the change
    5 substitution, change (sport) (sustitución).
    hacer un cambio to make a substitution o change
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: cambiar.
    * * *
    1 change, changing
    2 (intercambio) exchange, exchanging
    3 (dinero suelto) change, loose change; (vuelta) change
    ¿me puedes dar cambio de cien euros? can you change a hundred euros?
    4 (acciones) price, quotation; (divisas) exchange rate
    5 (tren) switch
    6 AUTOMÓVIL gear change
    a cambio de in exchange for
    a las primeras de cambio figurado at the first opportunity
    en cambio on the other hand, but, whereas
    tú no puedes cantar, en cambio él sí you can't sing, but he can
    cambio automático AUTOMÓVIL automatic transmission
    cambio de la guardia changing of the guard
    cambio de marchas (acción) gear change 2 (caja) gearbox
    cambio de planes change of plans
    casa de cambio bureau de change
    libre cambio free trade
    * * *
    noun m.
    3) exchange, swap
    - en cambio
    * * *
    1) (=variación) change

    necesito un cambio de airesI need a change of scene

    siempre nos veíamos durante el cambio de clasewe always used to meet in the break between classes

    un cambio para mejor/peor — a change for the better/worse

    cambio de agujas — (Ferro) points junction, switch junction (EEUU)

    cambio de gobierno[completo] change of government; [parcial] reshuffle

    cambio de línea — (Inform) line feed

    cambio de marchas(=acción) gear change; (=mecanismo) gear stick, gearshift (EEUU)

    cambio de opinión — change of opinion, turn in opinion

    cambio de página — (Inform) form feed

    cambio de rasante, prohibido adelantar en un cambio de rasante — no overtaking on the brow of a hill

    cambio de tercio — (Taur) change of stage ( in a bullfight)

    cambio de velocidades= cambio de marchas

    cambio de vía — (Ferro) points pl, switches pl (EEUU)

    2) (=intercambio) exchange, swap *

    hicimos un cambio de coche — we exchanged cars, we swapped cars *

    3) (Econ)
    a) (=dinero suelto) change

    ¿tienes cambio de 50 euros? — do you have change for 50 euros?, can you change 50 euros?

    b) [de moneda extranjera] (=tipo) exchange rate

    Cambio — Bureau de Change, Change


    a cambio — in return, in exchange

    "admitimos su coche usado a cambio" — "cars taken in part exchange", "trade-ins accepted"

    a cambio de — in return for, in exchange for

    reclamaba dinero a cambio de su silenciohe demanded money in return o exchange for keeping quiet (about it)


    en cambio — whereas

    yo nunca llego a tiempo, en cambio ella es muy puntual — I never arrive on time, whereas she is very punctual

    ¿pero qué ha sucedido en cambio? — but instead, what has happened?

    * * *
    a) (alteración, modificación) change

    cambio de algo<de planes/domicilio> change of something

    un cambio de aires or ambiente — a change of scene

    a la primera de cambio — (fam) at the first opportunity

    b) (Auto) gearshift (AmE), gear change (BrE)

    meta el cambio — (AmL) put it in gear

    un coche con cinco cambios — (AmL) a car with a five-speed gearbox

    a) ( canje) exchange

    a cambio (de) — in exchange (for), in return (for)

    en cambio: a él le gusta a mí en cambio no he likes it but I don't; el autobús es agotador, en cambio el tren es muy agradable — the bus is exhausting; the train however o on the other hand is very pleasant

    a) (Fin) ( de moneda extranjera) exchange

    ¿a cómo está el cambio? — what's the exchange rate?

    cambio — bureau de change, change

    al cambio del día — at the current exchange rate; libre I 1)

    b) ( diferencia) change
    c) ( dinero suelto) change

    ¿tienes cambio de mil? — can you change a thousand pesetas?

    * * *
    a) (alteración, modificación) change

    cambio de algo<de planes/domicilio> change of something

    un cambio de aires or ambiente — a change of scene

    a la primera de cambio — (fam) at the first opportunity

    b) (Auto) gearshift (AmE), gear change (BrE)

    meta el cambio — (AmL) put it in gear

    un coche con cinco cambios — (AmL) a car with a five-speed gearbox

    a) ( canje) exchange

    a cambio (de) — in exchange (for), in return (for)

    en cambio: a él le gusta a mí en cambio no he likes it but I don't; el autobús es agotador, en cambio el tren es muy agradable — the bus is exhausting; the train however o on the other hand is very pleasant

    a) (Fin) ( de moneda extranjera) exchange

    ¿a cómo está el cambio? — what's the exchange rate?

    cambio — bureau de change, change

    al cambio del día — at the current exchange rate; libre I 1)

    b) ( diferencia) change
    c) ( dinero suelto) change

    ¿tienes cambio de mil? — can you change a thousand pesetas?

    * * *
    1 = adaptive response, alteration, change, editing, modulation, move, recasting, redesign, rotation, shift, transfer, transformation, changeover [change-over], disturbance, mutation, permeability, reformation, switchover, reverse, shift away from, shifting, changing of the guard, swing, bartering, switch, switching, change.

    Ex: It is too early to assess the success of the adaptive responses which have been instituted in most SLIS.

    Ex: A musical adaptation is a musical work that represents a distinct alteration of another work (e.g. a free transcription), a work that paraphrases parts of various works or the general style of another composer, or a work that is merely based on other music (e.g. variations on a them).
    Ex: These changes have meant modifications, some very time-consuming, to serials catalogues in libraries.
    Ex: To ensure further that all the index entries generated by chain procedure are indeed helpful, the initial analysis of the chain may require editing.
    Ex: There is little modulation, whole steps of division being short-circuited and an odd assembly of terms being frequently found: e.g.: LAW see also JURY, JUDGES.
    Ex: Better flexibility is achieved if the heating, ventilation and lighting can accommodate this move without the need for any alterations.
    Ex: This kind of large-scale recasting offers an opportunity for the scheme to go forward rather than stagnate until it is completely taken by events.
    Ex: This action was the redesign of the enquiry form in order to elicit more information from the enquirer.
    Ex: The entries that result from the rotation mechanism have standard layout, punctuation and typography, all of which have been pre-programmed.
    Ex: Transitory circumstances of daily life are what cause these shifts.
    Ex: When the record transfer is complete, the catalog summary screen is shown for the new record so that the user can review and update it.
    Ex: Hungary faces far-reaching socio-economic transformation which will inevitably affect libraries as well.
    Ex: The changeover has resulted in more rapid machine-editing of input and reduced costs for cataloguing.
    Ex: A centralised system was chosen to ensure speedy receipt and dissemination with minimal disturbances.
    Ex: The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = Los significados mismos de palabras como "biblioteca" y "universidad" están a punto de experimentar cambios demasiado radicales de concevir y cuanto mucho menos de predecir.
    Ex: There is greater permeability than before between different types of library at the start of a career but, once settled in a post, fewer librarians than before change from one type of library to another.
    Ex: The author presents suggestions for the reformation of medical library education.
    Ex: The transition date for the switchover is 1 Oct 2000.
    Ex: Moreover, we conclude that the process of placing a feminist stamp on working relations is both far from complete and subject to reverses.
    Ex: This article discusses the effects of changes in the economy on the distribution of work in libraries which indicate a shift away from its female origins.
    Ex: This article considers the use of a spreadsheet in the shifting of periodicals collections in order to save time.
    Ex: The recent reorganization has resulted in a merger of the academic and public divisions and a changing of the guard among the company's top officials.
    Ex: The addition of new feedback techniques produced a significant swing in favour of the application.
    Ex: Holdings will become increasingly important as a bartering tool to gain additional access benefits.
    Ex: Office automation have brought about a switch to a paperless office.
    Ex: These 'spuriously loyal' customers are not willing to churn just because of switching costs.
    Ex: Most libraries maintain a small cash float for the giving of change and, in addition, money/ is received in payment of fines.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * aceptar el cambio = embrace + change.
    * aceptar un cambio = accommodate + change.
    * adaptarse al cambio = accommodate to + change, adapt to + change.
    * adaptarse a los cambios = flow with + the tides.
    * adoptar un cambio = adopt + change, accommodate + change.
    * agente de cambio = agent of(for) change, force for change, force of change.
    * agente del cambio = change agent.
    * aires de cambio = wind(s) of change, the, seas of change, the.
    * cambio a = flight to.
    * cambio brusco = revulsion, flip-flop.
    * cambio brusco de velocidad del viento = wind shear.
    * cambio climático = climate change, climatic change.
    * cambio cualitativo = step change, qualitative change.
    * cambio cuantitativo = quantitative change.
    * cambio cultural = cultural change.
    * cambio de actitud = change in attitude, change of heart.
    * cambio de aires = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene, greener pastures, pastures new.
    * cambio de ambiente = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene.
    * cambio de aspecto = lick of paint.
    * cambio de ciudadanía = change of citizenship.
    * cambio de dirección = change of hands.
    * cambio de dueño = change of hands.
    * cambio de énfasis = shift of emphasis, shift in emphasis.
    * cambio de entorno = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene.
    * cambio de hora estacional = daylight saving time.
    * cambio de idea = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de imagen = makeover [make-over], makeover [make-over].
    * cambio de instalación eléctrica = rewiring.
    * cambio de la guardia = changing of the guard.
    * cambio de look = lick of paint.
    * cambio de lugar = relocation.
    * cambio de manos = change of hands.
    * cambio de mirada = gaze-shift.
    * cambio demográfico = population trend.
    * cambio de nacionalidad = change of citizenship.
    * cambio de nombre = rebranding.
    * cambio de opinión = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de orientación = paradigm change, paradigm shift.
    * cambio de paradigma = paradigm change, paradigm shift.
    * cambio de parecer = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de procedimiento = procedural change.
    * cambio de propietario = change of hands.
    * cambio de proveedor = churn.
    * cambio de registro = code switching.
    * cambio de residencia = resettlement.
    * cambio de servicio = churn.
    * cambio de sexo = sex change.
    * cambio de título = title change.
    * cambio escénico = scene changing.
    * cambio estacional = seasonal change.
    * cambio hormonal = hormonal change.
    * cambio inesperado = twist.
    * cambio institucional = institutional change.
    * cambio metereológico = weather modification.
    * cambio + ocurrir = change + take place.
    * cambio + producirse = change + come about.
    * cambio profundo = profound change.
    * cambio radical = revulsion, sea change, radical change.
    * cambio radical de postura = about-face.
    * cambio revolucionario = revolutionary change.
    * cambios = second thoughts, ebb and flow.
    * cambio social = social change, societal change.
    * cambio + suceder = change + take place.
    * cambio + tener lugar = change + take place.
    * cambio total = turnabout [turn-about], turnaround.
    * cambio transformador = transformative change, transforming change.
    * cambio traumático = traumatic change.
    * cambio vertiginoso = spiral of change.
    * clima de cambio = climate of change.
    * efectuar cambios = wreak + changes.
    * efectuar un cambio = effect + change.
    * elemento de cambio = agent of(for) change.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * enfrentarse a los cambios = cope with + change.
    * en proceso de cambio = changing.
    * estado de cambio = state of flux.
    * estar en estado de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar en proceso de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar sujeto a cambios = be written in sand, not stone, be subject to change.
    * experimentar un cambio = bring about + change, undergo + modification, undergo + change, undergo + transition.
    * experimentar un cambio + Adjetivo = take + a + Adjetivo + turn.
    * hacer cambios en la búsqueda = renegotiate + search.
    * hacer cambios indebidamente = tamper (with).
    * hacer el cambio = make + the change.
    * hacer frente al cambio = manage + change.
    * hacer frente a un cambio = meet + change.
    * hacer un cambio = make + change.
    * impulsor del cambio = driver of change.
    * introducir un cambio = bring + change.
    * libre cambio = laissez-faire.
    * línea internacional de cambio de fecha, la = International Date Line, the.
    * lograr un cambio = accomplish + change.
    * los constantes cambios de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * momento clave del cambio = tipping point.
    * moneda de cambio = bargaining chip.
    * mostrar por medio de cambio de intensidad en el brillo = flash up.
    * motor del cambio = driver of change.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no sufrir cambios = remain + normal.
    * ocasionar un cambio = bring about + change, trigger + change.
    * operación de cambio de sexo = sex-change surgery, sex-change operation.
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * proceso de cambio = process of change.
    * producir un cambio = effect + change, produce + change, trigger + change.
    * provocar cambios = wreak + changes.
    * provocar un cambio = bring about + change.
    * reacio al cambio = resistant to change.
    * realizar un cambio = make + alteration, implement + change.
    * repercusiones del cambio = impact of change.
    * resistente al cambio = resistant to change.
    * ritmo del cambio = rate of change, pace of change.
    * ser susceptible de cambios = be subject to change.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * subsidio para cambio de residencia = resettlement allowance.
    * suceder un cambio = occur + change.
    * sucesión de cambios bruscos = roller coaster ride, roller coaster.
    * sufrir un cambio = experience + change, undergo + change.
    * suponer un cambio = bring about + change.
    * trabajar a cambio de nada = work for + nothing.


    Ex: Forget climate change, voters want more loose change.

    * bolsa de cambio = stock exchange.
    * cambio de divisas = currency rate, currency exchange.
    * cambio de moneda = exchange rate, foreign exchange, currency exchange rate, market rate of exchange, foreign exchange rate, currency rate, rate of exchange, currency exchange.
    * letra de cambio = bill of exchange.
    * oficina de cambio = exchange office, currency exchange bureau, exchange bureau.
    * tipo de cambio = exchange rate, rate of exchange.
    * variación de los tipos de cambio = exchange rate change.

    3 = gear, derailleur.

    Ex: Their products were charming and much less expensive than American clockwork toys because they used tinplate gears rather than brass.

    Ex: There is a front and a rear derailleur on most modern bikes.
    * palanca de cambio = shifter.

    * * *
    1 (alteración, modificación) change
    el cambio que ha tenido lugar en él the change he has undergone
    cambio DE algo:
    un brusco cambio de temperatura a sudden change in temperature
    lo que tú necesitas es un cambio de aires or ambiente what you need is a change of scene
    ha habido un cambio de planes there's been a change of plan
    una operación de cambio de sexo a sex-change operation
    a la primera de cambio ( fam); at the first opportunity, the first thing you know ( colloq)
    2 ( Auto) gearshift ( AmE), gear change ( BrE)
    hacer un cambio to change gear
    meta el cambio ( AmL); put it in gear
    un coche con cinco cambios ( AmL); a car with a five-speed gearbox
    climate change
    change of address
    scene change
    change of guard, changing of the guard
    (dispositivo) transmission ( AmE), gearbox ( BrE); (acción) gearshift ( AmE), gear change ( BrE)
    automatic gearshift ( AmE) o ( BrE) gearbox
    manual gearshift ( AmE) o ( BrE) gearbox
    brow of a hill
    ( Auto) junction
    switch ( AmE), points (pl) ( BrE)
    1 (canje) exchange
    creo que has salido perdiendo con el cambio I think you've lost out in the deal
    [ S ] no se admiten cambios ni devoluciones goods cannot be exchanged or returned
    2 ( en locs):
    a cambio in exchange, in return
    a cambio de in exchange for, in return for
    estoy dispuesto a hacerlo a cambio de un pequeño favor I'm prepared to do it in exchange o in return for a small favor
    daría cualquier cosa a cambio de un poco de paz I'd do anything for a bit of peace
    en cambio: a él le parece espléndido; a mí, en cambio, no me gusta he thinks it's wonderful, but personally I don't like it
    el viaje en autobús es agotador, en cambio irse en tren es muy agradable the bus journey is exhausting whereas o but if you go by train it's very pleasant, the bus journey is exhausting; if you go by train, however o on the other hand, it is very pleasant
    cambio de divisas foreign exchange
    ¿a cómo está el cambio? what's the exchange rate?
    [ S ] cambio bureau de change, change
    al cambio del día at the current exchange rate
    libre1 (↑ libre (1))
    2 (diferencia) change
    quédese con el cambio keep the change
    me ha dado mal el cambio he's given me the wrong change
    ¿tienes cambio de diez? can you change ten euros?
    necesito cambio para el teléfono I need some change for the telephone
    daily exchange rate o rate of exchange
    foreign exchange
    * * *


    Del verbo cambiar: ( conjugate cambiar)

    cambio es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    cambió es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    cambiar ( conjugate cambiar) verbo transitivo
    a) (alterar, modificar) ‹horario/imagen/persona to change

    b) (de lugar, posición):

    cambié las flores de florero I put the flowers in a different vase
    c) ( reemplazar) ‹pieza/fecha/sábanas to change;

    cambiole el nombre a algo to change the name of sth
    d)niño/bebé to change

    e) (Fin) to change;

    cambié 100 libras a or (Esp) en dólares I changed 100 pounds into dollars
    2 ( canjear) ‹sellos/estampas to swap, to trade (esp AmE);
    cambio algo por algo ‹sellos/estampas› to swap o (esp AmE) trade sth for sth;
    compra› to exchange o change sth for sth;
    ¿quieres que te cambie el lugar? do you want me to swap o change places with you?

    verbo intransitivo
    a) [ciudad/persona] to change;

    le está cambiando la voz his voice is breaking
    b) (Auto) to change gear

    cambio de avión/tren to change planes/train

    d) cambio de algo ‹de tema/canal/color to change sth;

    cambio de sentido to make (AmE) o (BrE) do a U-turn
    cambiarse verbo pronominal

    b) ( refl) ‹camisa/nombre/peinado to change;

    cambiose de algo ‹de camisa/zapatos to change sth;

    cambiose de casa to move house;
    cámbiate de camisa change your shirt
    c) cambiose por algn to change places with sb

    d) ( recípr) ‹sellos/estampas to swap, to trade (esp AmE)

    cambio sustantivo masculino

    cambio de algo ‹de planes/domicilio› change of sth;
    un cambio de aire(s) or ambiente a change of scene
    b) (Auto) gearshift (AmE), gear change (BrE);

    cambio de sentido U-turn

    ( on signs) no se admiten cambios goods cannot be exchanged
    b) ( en locs)

    en cambio: el viaje en autobús es agotador, en cambio en tren es muy agradable the bus journey is exhausting;

    by train however o on the other hand is very pleasant

    ¿a cómo está el cambio? what's the exchange rate?;

    ( on signs) cambio bureau de change, change

    I verbo transitivo
    1 to change
    2 (cromos, etc) to swap, (en un comercio) exchange
    3 (un tipo de moneda por otro) to change
    II verbo intransitivo to change
    cambiar de casa, to move (house)
    cambiar de idea, to change one's mind
    cambiar de sitio, to move
    cambiar de trabajo, to get another job
    cambiar de velocidad, to change gear
    cambio sustantivo masculino
    1 change
    (de opinión) shift
    un cambio de impresiones, an exchange of opinions
    2 (del dinero) change: ¿tienes cambio de cinco mil?, have you got change for five thousand?
    3 Fin (de la moneda extranjera) exchange
    (de unas acciones) price
    4 Auto gear change
    cambio automático, automatic transmission
    cambio de rasante, brow of a hill
    ♦ Locuciones: a cambio de, in exchange for
    a las primeras de cambio, at the firsl opportunity
    en cambio, on the other hand: él es muy engreído, en cambio ella es muy dulce, he's really conceited; on the other hand she is very sweet
    ' cambio' also found in these entries:
    - abrupto
    - aguantar
    - aire
    - alteración
    - apreciarse
    - benéfica
    - benéfico
    - biombo
    - brutal
    - desplazamiento
    - experimentar
    - girar
    - imponerse
    - inflexión
    - letra
    - oscilación
    - por
    - primera
    - primero
    - radical
    - semblante
    - sensible
    - tipo
    - vaivén
    - viraje
    - vuelta
    - acelerar
    - acentuado
    - apreciable
    - apresurar
    - brusco
    - cambiar
    - cara
    - cerrado
    - efectuar
    - feria
    - guardia
    - idea
    - importante
    - inevitable
    - lado
    - libre
    - nuevo
    - observar
    - operar
    - opinión
    - producir
    - quedar
    - rápido
    - adjustment
    - alarmed
    - alteration
    - bare
    - better
    - change
    - chapter
    - conversely
    - department
    - displacement
    - distinct
    - draft
    - dramatic
    - dramatically
    - drastic
    - euro
    - exchange
    - exchange rate
    - fall
    - float
    - gearshift
    - gearstick
    - instead
    - intend
    - into
    - likely
    - major
    - make
    - modification
    - occur
    - protection money
    - rate
    - refreshing
    - refreshingly
    - return
    - reversal
    - round
    - sex change
    - shift
    - short-change
    - slight
    - small change
    - subject
    - substantial
    - sudden
    - swap for
    - sweep
    - sweeping
    - swing
    * * *
    1. [alteración, modificación] change;
    vivimos una época de grandes cambios we live in times of great change;
    cambio de actitud change in attitude;
    cambio de gobierno change of government;
    cambio radical turnabout, turnround;
    cambio de tiempo change in the weather;
    ha ganado con el cambio de trabajo he has benefited from changing jobs;
    con el cambio de política hemos perdido todos we have all lost out as a result of the change in policy;
    se ha producido un cambio de situación the situation has changed, there has been a change in the situation;
    el cambio al sistema métrico ha sido muy sencillo the changeover to the metric system has been very straightforward;
    tu hijo ha pegado un cambio tremendo your son has really changed;
    a las primeras de cambio at the first opportunity;
    abandonó la carrera a las primeras de cambio she dropped out of the race almost as soon as it had started o shortly after it had started;
    cayeron eliminados a las primeras de cambio they fell at the first hurdle
    cambio climático climate change; Ling cambio de código code switching;
    cambio de domicilio change of address;
    cambio de escena Teatro scene change;
    Fig change of scene;
    cambio generacional: [m5] el partido necesita un cambio generacional urgente the party is in urgent need of a new generation of leaders;
    este joven pintor es un ejemplo del cambio generacional en marcha this young man is one of the new generation of painters who are coming to dominate the artistic scene;
    cambio de guardia [ceremonia] changing of the guard;
    cambio horario [bianual] = putting clocks back or forward one hour;
    cambio hormonal hormonal change;
    cambio de imagen image change;
    el cambio de milenio the end of the millennium;
    cambio de rasante brow of a hill;
    cambio de sexo sex change;
    Der cambio de tribunal change of venue; Ferroc cambio de vía Br points, US switch
    2. [reemplazo, trueque] exchange;
    (oficina de) cambio [en letrero] Br bureau de change, US foreign-exchange bureau;
    durante las rebajas no se admiten cambios while the sales are on, goods may not be exchanged;
    a cambio (de) in exchange o return (for);
    no pido nada a cambio I'm not asking for anything back o in return;
    se admite su vieja lavadora a cambio we will take your old washing machine in part exchange;
    te dejo el coche a cambio de que lo laves I'll let you use my car if you wash it for me
    Aut cambio de aceite oil change;
    cambio de impresiones exchange of views;
    Quím cambio iónico ion exchange;
    cambio de papeles role reversal
    3. [monedas, billetes] change;
    ¿tiene cambio? have you got any change?;
    ¿tiene cambio de 5.000? have you got change for o Br of 5,000?;
    nos hemos quedado sin cambio(s) we're out of change;
    quédese con el cambio keep the change;
    me ha dado el cambio incorrecto she gave me the wrong change
    4. Fin [de acciones] price;
    [de divisas] exchange rate;
    ha bajado el cambio del peso the (exchange rate of the) peso has fallen;
    los valores eléctricos han mantenido el cambio share prices in the electricity companies have remained steady;
    ¿a cuánto está el cambio de la libra? what's the exchange rate for the pound?
    cambio base base rate;
    cambio extranjero foreign exchange;
    cambio medio average exchange rate;
    cambio oficial official exchange rate
    5. Aut
    el cambio es muy duro the gears are rather stiff
    cambio automático automatic transmission;
    cambio de marchas [acción] gear change;
    [palanca] Br gear stick, US gear shift;
    cambio sincronizado [en bicicleta] indexed gear;
    cambio de velocidades [acción] gear change;
    [palanca] Br gear stick, US gear shift
    6. Dep [sustitución] substitution, change;
    hacer un cambio to make a substitution o change;
    el equipo visitante ha pedido (hacer un) cambio the away team want to make a substitution o change;
    el jugador lesionado pidió el cambio al entrenador the injured player signalled to the manager that he wanted to come off
    ¡cambio (y corto)! over!;
    ¡cambio y cierro! over and out!
    en cambio loc adv
    [por otra parte] on the other hand, however; [en su lugar] instead;
    ellos no pueden ayudarnos, en cambio tú sí they can't help us, but o whereas you can;
    éste me gusta, en cambio este otro es feo I like this one, but this other one is horrible
    * * *
    1 change;
    cambio de domicilio change of address;
    cambio de aires change of scene;
    cambio de turno change of shift;
    cambio de aceite AUTO oil change;
    ¡cambio! al hablar por radio over!
    2 COM exchange rate;
    el cambio del día the day’s (exchange) rate;
    libre cambio COM free trade
    3 ( suelto)
    ¿tiene cambio? do you have change?
    no se admiten cambios goods will not be exchanged
    a cambio de in exchange for;
    en cambio on the other hand
    * * *
    cambio nm
    1) : change, alteration
    2) : exchange
    3) : change (money)
    en cambio : instead
    en cambio : however, on the other hand
    * * *
    1. (en general) change
    ¿tienes cambio? have you got any change?
    2. (divisas) exchange rate

    Spanish-English dictionary > cambio

  • 12 शब्दः _śabdḥ

    शब्दः [शब्द्-घञ्]
    1 Sound (the object of the sense of hearing and property of आकाश); अथात्मनः शब्दगुणं गुणज्ञः पदं विमानेन विगाहमानः R.13.1.
    -2 Sound, note (of birds; men &c.), noise in general; विश्वासोपगमादभिन्नगतयः शब्दं सहन्ते मृगाः Ś.1.14; स शब्दस्तुमुलो$भवत् Bg.1.13; Ś.3.1; Ms.4.31; Ku.1.45.
    -3 The sound of a musical instrument; वाद्यशब्दः Pt.2; Ku.1.45.
    -4 A word, sound, significant word (for def. &c. see Mbh. in- troduction); एकः शब्दः सम्यगधीतः सम्यक् प्रयुक्तः स्वर्गे लोके कामधुग्भवति; so शब्दार्थौ.
    -5 A declinable word, a noun, substantive.
    -6 A title, an epithet; यस्यार्थुक्तं गिरिराज- शब्दं कुर्वन्ति बालव्यजनैश्चमर्यः Ku.1.13; Ś.2.15; नृपेण चक्रे युवराजशब्दभाक् R.3.35;2.53,64;3.49;5.22;18.42; V.1.1.
    -7 The name, mere name as in शब्दपति q. v.
    -3 Verbal authority (regarded by the Naiyāyikas as a Pramāṇa.
    -9 Grammar; Dk.1.1.
    -1 Fame; लब्धशब्देन कौसल्ये कुमारेण धनुष्मता Rām.2.63.11; स्वर्गाय शब्दं दिवमात्महेतोर्धर्मार्थमात्मंस्थितिमाचकाङ्क्ष Bu. Ch.2.53; (cf. also 'शब्दो$क्षरे यशोगीत्योः' -हैमः).
    -11 The sacred syllable ओम्.
    -12 A technical term.
    -Comp. -अक्षरम् the sacred syllable ओम् uttered aloud.
    -अतीत a. beyond the power or reach of words, indescribable.
    -अधिष्ठानम् the ear.
    -अध्याहारः supplying a word (to complete an ellipsis).
    -अनुकृतिः onomatopœia.
    -अनुरूप a. proportionate or corresponding to the sound; शब्दानुरूपेण पराक्रमेण भवि- तव्यम् Pt.1.
    -अनुशासनम् the science of words; i. e. grammar.
    -अर्थः the meaning of a word. (
    -र्थौ dual) a word and its meaning; अदोषौ शब्दार्थौ K.P.1; न त्वयं शब्दार्थः, व्यामोहादेषा प्रतीतिः ŚB. on MS.4.1.14.
    -अलं- कारः a figure of speech depending for its charmingness on sound or words and disappearing as soon as the words which constitute the figure are replaced by others of the same meaning (opp. अर्थालंकार); e. g.; see K. P. 9.
    -आख्येय a. to be communicated in words; शब्दाख्येयं यदपि किल ते यः सखीनां पुरस्तात् Me.15. (
    -यम्) an oral or verbal communication.
    -आडम्बरः bombast, verbosity, high-sounding or grandiloquent words.
    -आदि a. begin- ning with शब्द (as the objects of sense); शब्दादीन् विषयान् भोक्तुं चरितुं दुश्चरं तपः R.1.25.
    -इन्द्रियम् the ear.
    -कार a. sounding, sonorous.
    -कोशः a lexicon, dictionary.
    - a.
    1 perceiving sounds.
    -2 uttering sounds.
    -गत a. inherent or residing in a word.
    -गतिः music, song.
    -गुण a. having sound for its quality; अथात्मनः शब्दगुणं गुणज्ञः R.13.1.
    -गोचरः the aim or object of speech.
    -ग्रहः 1 catching the sound.
    -2 the ear.
    -ग्रामः the range or reach of sound.
    -चातुर्यम् cleverness of style, eloquence.
    -चित्रम् one of the two subdivisions of the last (अवर or अधम) class of poetry (wherein the charm lies in the use of words which please the ear simply by their sound; see the example given under the word चित्र).
    -चोरः 'a word-thief', a plagiarist.
    -तन्मात्रम् the subtle element of sound.
    -नेतृ m. N. of Pāṇini.
    -पतिः a lord in name only, nominal lord; ननु शब्दपतिः क्षितरेहं त्वयि मे भावनिबन्धना रतिः R.8.52.
    -पातिन् a. hitting an invisible mark the sound of which is only heard, tra- cing a sound; शब्दपातिनमिषुं विससर्ज R.9.73.
    -प्रमाणम् verbal or oral evidence.
    -बोधः knowledge derived from verbal testimony.
    -ब्रह्मन् n.
    1 the Vedas; शब्द- ब्रह्मणि निष्णातः परं ब्रह्माधिगच्छति Maitra. Up.6.22.
    -2 spiritual knowledge consisting in words, knowledge of the Supreme Sprit or the Spirit itself; शब्दब्रह्मणस्तादृशं विवर्तमितिहासम् U.2;7.2.
    -3 a property of words called स्फोट q. v.
    -भाव्यत्वम् the state of becoming known through scriptural word only; कर्मणः शब्दभाव्य- त्वात्... Ms.7.1.9. (on which Śabara writes अथेह कर्मणः शब्दभाव्यत्वम् । नान्यतः शक्यमेतज्ज्ञातुं कस्यापूर्वस्य धर्मा इति ॥
    -भिद् f. perversion of words.
    -भेदिन् a. hitting a mark merely by its sound. (-m.)
    1 an epithet of Arjuna.
    -2 the anus.
    -3 a kind of arrow.
    -योनिः f. a root, radical word.
    -लक्षण a. what is determined by the sacred word; इह शब्दलक्षणे कर्मणि यथाशब्दार्थं प्रवृत्तिः ŚB. on Ms.11.1.26.
    -वारिधिः a vocabulary.
    -विद्या, -शास्त्रम् the science of words; i. e. grammar; अनन्तपारं किल शब्द- शास्त्रम् Pt.1; Śi.2.112;14.24.
    -विरोधः opposition of words (in a sentence).
    -विशेषः a variety of sound.
    -विशेषणम् (in gram.) an adjective, adjectival word.
    -वृत्तिः f.
    1 the function of a word (in Rhet.).
    -2 the power of a word (to convey sense), indicative power (लक्षणा); अदृष्टार्थाच्छब्दवृत्तिर्लघीयसी ŚB. on MS.11.1.48.
    -वेधिन् a. hitting an invisible mark the sound of which is only heard; see शब्दपातिन्; अभ्याससाध्यं निखिलं मत्वा संतमसे व्यधात् । इषुपातानभूद्येन शब्दवेधविशारदः ॥ Bm.1.632. (-m.)
    1 a kind of arrow.
    -2 an archer.
    -3 a warrior who pierces his enemies by mere sounds; Rām.2.63.11.
    -4 an epithet of king Daśaratha.
    -5 an epithet of Arjuna.
    -वेध्य a. to be shot at without being seen; एवं मयाप्यविज्ञातं शब्दवेध्यमिदं फलम् Rām.2.63.13.
    -वैलक्ष्यण्यम् verbal difference.
    -शक्तिः f. the force or expressive power of a word; signification of a word; see शक्ति.
    -शासनम् 1 a rule of grammar.
    -2 the science of gram- mar.
    -शुद्धिः f.
    1 purity of words.
    -2 the correct use of words.
    -श्लेषः a play or pun upon words, a verbal equivoque; (it differs from अर्थश्लेष in-as-much as the pun dissappears as soon as the words which constitute it are replaced by others of the same signification, whereas in अर्थश्लेष the pun remains unchanged; शब्दपरि- वृत्तिसहत्मर्थश्लेषः.)
    -संग्रहः a vocabulary, lexicon.
    -संज्ञा (in gram.) a technical term; P.I.1.68.
    -साधन, -साह a. See शब्दवेधिन्; ततो$स्त्रं शब्दसाहं वै त्वरमाणो महारणे Mb.3.22. 5.
    -सौष्ठवम् elegance of words, a graceful or elegant style.
    -सौकर्यम् ease of expression.
    -स्मृतिः f. philology.
    -हीनम् the use of a word in a form or meaning not sanctioned by standard authors.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > शब्दः _śabdḥ

  • 13 boca

    1 mouth.
    boca arriba/abajo face up/down
    (respiración) boca a boca mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
    hacer el boca a boca a alguien to give somebody mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, to give somebody the kiss of life
    2 mouth (entrada) (de botella, túnel).
    boca del estómago pit of the stomach
    boca de incendios fire hydrant
    boca de riego hydrant
    3 muzzle, fauces, maw.
    4 hors d'oeuvre.
    5 os.
    * * *
    1 ANATOMÍA mouth
    2 (de río) mouth
    3 (abertura) entrance, opening
    abrir boca to whet one's appetite
    hacer boca to whet one's appetite
    andar en boca de todos to be the talk of the town, be on everyone's lips
    arreglarse la boca to have one's teeth seen to
    boca abajo face downwards
    boca arriba face upwards
    callarse la boca to shut up, shut one's mouth
    correr de boca en boca to be the talk of the town, be common knowledge
    hacérsele la boca agua a alguien to make somebody's mouth water
    me lo has quitado de la boca you've taken the words right out of my mouth
    no abrir boca not to say a word
    no decir esta boca es mía not to say a word
    por la boca muere el pez silence is golden
    boca a boca kiss of life, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
    boca de incendios fire hydrant
    boca de riego hydrant
    boca del estómago pit of the stomach
    * * *
    noun f.
    - boca arriba
    * * *
    1. SF
    1) (Anat) mouth

    ¡cállate la boca! — * shut up! *, shut your mouth! **

    boca abajoface down

    boca arribaface up

    boca de mar — (Culin) crab stick


    en boca de, suena extraño en boca de un socialista — it sounds odd coming from a socialist

    por boca de — through

    - coserse la boca
    - dar boca

    de boca en boca —

    de boca para afuera —

    eso lo dice de boca para afuera — he's just saying that, that's what he says (but he doesn't mean it)

    irse la boca a algn —

    llenársele la boca a algn —

    - partir la boca a algn

    a pedir de boca —

    4) (=abertura, entrada) [de túnel, cueva, vasija] mouth; [de tonel] bunghole; [de puerto] entrance; [de arma] muzzle

    a boca de jarro —

    disparar a boca de jarro — to shoot point-blank, shoot at close range

    boca de metrounderground o (EEUU) subway entrance

    boca de mina — pithead, mine entrance

    boca de río — river mouth, estuary

    5) [de vino] flavour, flavor (EEUU)
    6) [de crustáceo] pincer
    7) [de herramienta] cutting edge

    boca de dragón — (Bot) snapdragon

    9) (Inform) slot
    10) pl bocas (=personas) mouths
    2. SM

    boca a boca, aplicar o hacer o practicar el boca a boca a algn — to give sb mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, give sb the kiss of life

    2) ** [de cárcel] screw **, warder
    * * *
    a) (Anat, Zool) mouth

    tener la boca seca/pastosa — to have a dry/furry mouth

    boca abajo/arriba — <dormir/echarse> on one's stomach/back

    en boca de: la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips; el escándalo andaba en boca de todos the scandal was common knowledge; por boca de: la organización ha dejado claro por boca de su secretario general... the organization has made it clear through its general secretary...; lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister; abrir la boca to open one's mouth; mejor es que no abra la boca it's best if he keeps his mouth shut; andar/correr de boca en boca: la noticia ya corría de boca en boca the news was spreading like wildfire; a pedir de boca just fine; todo salió a pedir de boca everything turned out just fine; callar(se) la boca to shut up; en situaciones así más vale callarse la boca in situations like that it's best to keep your mouth shut; cerrarle or taparle la boca a alguien to keep somebody quiet, shut somebody up (colloq); hablar por boca de ganso to repeat other people's opinions (o ideas etc) parrot fashion; hacer or abrir boca (fam) to whet the o one's appetite; hacerle el boca a boca a alguien to give somebody the kiss of life; hacérsele la boca agua a alguien (Esp): se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water; llenársele la boca a alguien con algo (fam): se le llena la boca con su apellido she's always boasting about her surname; meterse en la boca del lobo to take one's life in one's hands; no decir esta boca es mía: no dijo esta boca es mía he didn't say a word; no tener qué llevarse a la boca: no tienen qué llevarse a la boca they haven't got a penny to their name, they don't have a red cent to their name (AmE); (oscuro) como boca de lobo pitch-black, pitch-dark; quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o (colloq) flabbergasted; quitarle algo a alguien de la boca to take the words (right) out of somebody's mouth; ser pura boca (Chi fam) to be all talk; tener una boquita de piñón (fam) to have a little mouth; en boca cerrada no entran moscas if you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it (colloq); por la boca muere el pez talking too much can be dangerous; quien or el que tiene boca se equivoca — (fam) to err is human

    c) ( persona)
    d) (Vin) flavor*
    2) ( de buzón) slot; ( de túnel) mouth, entrance; ( de puerto) entrance; (de vasija, botella) rim
    •• Cultural note:
    A neighborhood on the Riachuelo River in Buenos Aires, near the mouth of the River Plate. It was the city's first port, where Genoese immigrants settled in the early twentieth century. Its brightly painted wooden houses with corrugated iron roofs make it a major tourist destination
    * * *
    = mouth, gob, muzzle.
    Ex. He was drumming on his desk with exasperated fingers, his mouth quirked at the corners, as if saying: 'Wriggle out of that!'.
    Ex. I just smiled and told him to naff off cos short of punching him in the gob what can you do?.
    Ex. She looked up and saw the muzzle of a rifle pointed at her.
    * ¡punto en boca! = not a word to anyone!.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * abrir la boca = open + Posesivo + mouth.
    * andar de boca en boca = be the talk of the town.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * boca 7 dejar un sabor amargo en la boca = leave + a bitter aftertaste.
    * boca abajo = upside-down.
    * boca de alcantarilla = manhole.
    * boca de colector = manhole.
    * boca de incendios = fire hydrant.
    * boca del estómago, la = pit of the stomach, the.
    * boca de sumidero = manhole.
    * boca reseca = dry mouth.
    * cielo de la boca, el = roof of the mouth, the.
    * ¡cierra la boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * con el corazón en la boca = on tenterhooks.
    * de boca en boca = word-of-mouth, by word of mouth.
    * decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un grato sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * de + Posesivo + propia boca = straight from the horse's mouth.
    * echar espuma por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * echar espumarajos por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * hablar con la boca llena = speak with + Posesivo + mouth full, talk with + Posesivo + mouth full.
    * hacerse la boca agua = make + Posesivo + mouth water.
    * hacer una mueca con la boca = twitch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * herpes de la boca = fever blister, cold sore.
    * mal sabor de boca = bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.
    * meterse en la boca del lobo = come into + the lion's den.
    * negro como boca de lobo = pitch-black.
    * oír de la boca de = hear + from the lips of.
    * oscuro como boca de lobo = pitch-black, pitch-dark.
    * para abrir boca = as a kind of + appetiser.
    * poner las cartas boca arriba = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * por boca de = by word of mouth.
    * ¡punto en boca! = mum's the word!.
    * ¡punto en boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * que hace la boca agua = mouth-watering.
    * que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.
    * que se derrite en la boca = mellow [mellower -comp., mellowest -sup.].
    * respiración boca a boca = kiss of life.
    * saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.
    * salir a pedir de boca = come up + roses, go off without + a hitch.
    * salud de la boca = oral health.
    * úlcera de la boca = canker sore.
    * * *
    a) (Anat, Zool) mouth

    tener la boca seca/pastosa — to have a dry/furry mouth

    boca abajo/arriba — <dormir/echarse> on one's stomach/back

    en boca de: la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips; el escándalo andaba en boca de todos the scandal was common knowledge; por boca de: la organización ha dejado claro por boca de su secretario general... the organization has made it clear through its general secretary...; lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister; abrir la boca to open one's mouth; mejor es que no abra la boca it's best if he keeps his mouth shut; andar/correr de boca en boca: la noticia ya corría de boca en boca the news was spreading like wildfire; a pedir de boca just fine; todo salió a pedir de boca everything turned out just fine; callar(se) la boca to shut up; en situaciones así más vale callarse la boca in situations like that it's best to keep your mouth shut; cerrarle or taparle la boca a alguien to keep somebody quiet, shut somebody up (colloq); hablar por boca de ganso to repeat other people's opinions (o ideas etc) parrot fashion; hacer or abrir boca (fam) to whet the o one's appetite; hacerle el boca a boca a alguien to give somebody the kiss of life; hacérsele la boca agua a alguien (Esp): se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water; llenársele la boca a alguien con algo (fam): se le llena la boca con su apellido she's always boasting about her surname; meterse en la boca del lobo to take one's life in one's hands; no decir esta boca es mía: no dijo esta boca es mía he didn't say a word; no tener qué llevarse a la boca: no tienen qué llevarse a la boca they haven't got a penny to their name, they don't have a red cent to their name (AmE); (oscuro) como boca de lobo pitch-black, pitch-dark; quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o (colloq) flabbergasted; quitarle algo a alguien de la boca to take the words (right) out of somebody's mouth; ser pura boca (Chi fam) to be all talk; tener una boquita de piñón (fam) to have a little mouth; en boca cerrada no entran moscas if you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it (colloq); por la boca muere el pez talking too much can be dangerous; quien or el que tiene boca se equivoca — (fam) to err is human

    c) ( persona)
    d) (Vin) flavor*
    2) ( de buzón) slot; ( de túnel) mouth, entrance; ( de puerto) entrance; (de vasija, botella) rim
    •• Cultural note:
    A neighborhood on the Riachuelo River in Buenos Aires, near the mouth of the River Plate. It was the city's first port, where Genoese immigrants settled in the early twentieth century. Its brightly painted wooden houses with corrugated iron roofs make it a major tourist destination
    * * *
    = mouth, gob, muzzle.

    Ex: He was drumming on his desk with exasperated fingers, his mouth quirked at the corners, as if saying: 'Wriggle out of that!'.

    Ex: I just smiled and told him to naff off cos short of punching him in the gob what can you do?.
    Ex: She looked up and saw the muzzle of a rifle pointed at her.
    * ¡punto en boca! = not a word to anyone!.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * abrir la boca = open + Posesivo + mouth.
    * andar de boca en boca = be the talk of the town.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * boca 7 dejar un sabor amargo en la boca = leave + a bitter aftertaste.
    * boca abajo = upside-down.
    * boca de alcantarilla = manhole.
    * boca de colector = manhole.
    * boca de incendios = fire hydrant.
    * boca del estómago, la = pit of the stomach, the.
    * boca de sumidero = manhole.
    * boca reseca = dry mouth.
    * cielo de la boca, el = roof of the mouth, the.
    * ¡cierra la boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * con el corazón en la boca = on tenterhooks.
    * de boca en boca = word-of-mouth, by word of mouth.
    * decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un grato sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * de + Posesivo + propia boca = straight from the horse's mouth.
    * echar espuma por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * echar espumarajos por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * hablar con la boca llena = speak with + Posesivo + mouth full, talk with + Posesivo + mouth full.
    * hacerse la boca agua = make + Posesivo + mouth water.
    * hacer una mueca con la boca = twitch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * herpes de la boca = fever blister, cold sore.
    * mal sabor de boca = bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.
    * meterse en la boca del lobo = come into + the lion's den.
    * negro como boca de lobo = pitch-black.
    * oír de la boca de = hear + from the lips of.
    * oscuro como boca de lobo = pitch-black, pitch-dark.
    * para abrir boca = as a kind of + appetiser.
    * poner las cartas boca arriba = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * por boca de = by word of mouth.
    * ¡punto en boca! = mum's the word!.
    * ¡punto en boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * que hace la boca agua = mouth-watering.
    * que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.
    * que se derrite en la boca = mellow [mellower -comp., mellowest -sup.].
    * respiración boca a boca = kiss of life.
    * saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.
    * salir a pedir de boca = come up + roses, go off without + a hitch.
    * salud de la boca = oral health.
    * úlcera de la boca = canker sore.

    * * *
    no te metas eso en la boca don't put that in your mouth
    tener la boca seca/pastosa to have a dry/furry mouth
    te huele la boca a ajo your breath smells of garlic
    tengo que ir a arreglarme la boca I have to go and get my teeth seen to o fixed
    no hables con la boca llena don't speak with your mouth full
    como no te calles te voy a partir la boca if you don't shut up I'll smash your face in ( colloq)
    pide por esa boca ( fam); just ask o all you have to do is ask
    ¡esa boca …! language …!
    blando/duro de boca ( Equ) soft/hard mouthed
    2 ( en locs):
    boca abajo/arriba: échate boca abajo lie on your stomach o front
    duerme boca arriba he sleeps on his back
    puso los naipes boca arriba she laid the cards face up
    lo supimos de boca de las mismas personas implicadas we heard it from the horse's mouth
    uno no espera oír palabras así de boca de un cura you don't expect to hear such words from the mouth of o from a priest
    en boca de: términos de la psicología que están en boca de todo el mundo psychology terms which are part of everyday speech
    la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips
    se enteró cuando ya el escándalo andaba en boca de todos by the time he heard about the scandal it was already common knowledge, everybody was talking about the scandal by the time he found out about it
    por boca de: la organización ha dejado claro, por boca de su secretario general … the organization has made it clear, through the general secretary …
    lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister
    abrir la boca to open one's mouth
    abra más la boca, por favor open (your mouth) wider please
    mejor es que no abra la boca it's best if he keeps his mouth shut
    no abrió la boca en toda la noche he didn't open his mouth all evening
    andar/correr de boca en boca: la noticia ya corría de boca en boca the news was by now common knowledge
    desde que se enrolló con él anda de boca en boca since she got involved with him she's set a lot of tongues wagging
    su nombre anda de boca en boca her name is on everybody's lips
    a pedir de boca just fine
    todo saldrá a pedir de boca everything will turn out just the way you want it to o just fine
    callar(se) la boca to shut up
    ¡cállate la boca! shut up! ( colloq), shut your face o trap! (sl)
    en situaciones así más vale callarse la boca in situations like that it's best to keep your mouth shut
    cerrarle or taparle la boca a algn to keep sb quiet, shut sb up ( colloq)
    con la boca chica or pequeña: lo dijo con la boca chica he didn't mean it o he said it insincerely o he said it without meaning it
    coserse la boca: yo te lo digo pero te coses la boca I'll tell you but you have to keep quiet about it o ( colloq) keep it under your hat
    de (la) boca para afuera: nos apoya de (la) boca para afuera he supports us in name only, he says he supports us
    es radical sólo de (la) boca para afuera he pays lip service to radicalism
    hablar por boca de ganso to repeat other people's opinions ( o ideas etc) parrot fashion
    hacer or abrir boca ( fam); to whet the o one's appetite
    hacérsele la boca agua a algn or ( AmL) hacérsele agua la boca a algn: se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water
    meterse en la boca del lobo to take one's life in one's hands, put one's head in the lion's mouth
    no decir esta boca es mía: no dijo esta boca es mía he didn't say a word o open his mouth
    no tener qué llevarse a la boca: no tienen qué llevarse a la boca they haven't got a penny to their name, they don't have a red cent to their name ( AmE), they haven't got two brass farthings to rub together ( BrE)
    (oscuro) como boca de lobo pitch-black, pitch-dark
    parar la boca ( fam); to cut the cackle ( colloq)
    quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o ( colloq) flabbergasted
    quitarle algo a algn de la boca to take the words (right) out of sb's mouth
    quitarse algo de la boca: se lo quita todo de la boca para que sus hijos estudien he goes o does without in order to pay for his children's education
    ser pura boca ( Chi fam): eso de sus viajes es pura boca all that stuff about his travels is all talk o is just a lot of hot air
    tener algo/a algn siempre en la boca to go on o harp on about sth/sb ( colloq)
    tener una boquita de piñón ( fam); to have a little mouth
    en boca cerrada no entran moscas if you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it ( colloq)
    por la boca muere el pez talking too much can be dangerous
    (persona): muchas bocas comen de ese trabajo that work provides a living for a lot of people
    tiene muchas bocas que alimentar she has a lot of mouths to feed
    4 ( Vin) taste
    2 (de un túnel) mouth, entrance
    3 (de un puerto) entrance
    4 (de una vasija, botella) rim
    boca de dragón or (Ur) sapo
    ( RPl frml) sales outlet
    la falta de nafta se presentó en muchas bocas de expendio there was a shortage of gasoline ( AmE) o ( BrE) petrol at many filling stations
    fire hydrant, fireplug ( AmE)
    ( fam); pit of the stomach
    boca de metro or ( RPl) subte
    subway entrance ( AmE), underground o tube station entrance ( BrE)
    ( RPl fam): no seas boca sucia don't be so foulmouthed
    * * *


    boca sustantivo femenino
    a) (Anat, Zool) mouth

    b) ( en locs)

    boca abajo/arribadormir/echarseon one's stomach/back;

    puso los naipes boca arriba she laid the cards face up;
    en boca de: la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips;
    el escándalo andaba en boca de todos the scandal was common knowledge;
    por boca de from;
    lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister;
    a pedir de boca just fine;
    hacerle el boca a boca a algn to give sb the kiss of life;
    hacérsele la boca agua a algn (Esp): se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water;
    quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o (colloq) flabbergasted
    2 ( de buzón) slot;
    ( de túnel) mouth, entrance;
    ( de puerto) entrance;
    (de vasija, botella) rim;

    boca del estómago (fam) pit of the stomach;
    boca de metro or (RPl) subte subway entrance (AmE), underground o tube station entrance (BrE)
    boca sustantivo femenino
    1 mouth
    2 (entrada) entrance
    boca de metro, entrance to the tube o underground station
    boca de riego, hydrant
    el boca a boca, kiss of life o mouth-to-mouth respiration
    ♦ Locuciones: figurado andar de boca en boca, to be the talk of the town
    familiar ¡cierra la boca!, shut up!
    familiar hacerse la boca agua: cuando ve un bombón se le hace la boca agua, his mouth waters every time he sees a chocolate
    írsele la fuerza por la boca, to be all talk (and no action)
    familiar meterse en la boca del lobo, to put one's head in the lion's mouth
    figurado salir a pedir de boca, to turn out perfectly
    boca abajo, face down(ward)
    boca arriba, face up(ward)
    con la boca abierta, open-mouthed: nos dejó a todos con la boca abierta, she left us flabbergasted
    ' boca' also found in these entries:
    - callar
    - chiflar
    - cielo
    - decir
    - difusor
    - difusora
    - enjuagarse
    - frenética
    - frenético
    - fruncir
    - llaga
    - loba
    - lobo
    - negra
    - negro
    - palabra
    - pastosa
    - pastoso
    - pedir
    - pico
    - reseca
    - reseco
    - respiración
    - revés
    - sabor
    - tararear
    - tener
    - abierto
    - acostar
    - agua
    - arreglar
    - calentura
    - cerrado
    - cerrar
    - comer
    - enchuecar
    - enjuagar
    - entreabierto
    - herpes
    - ir
    - jeta
    - limpiar
    - llenar
    - mordaza
    - morro
    - seco
    - sensual
    - sensualidad
    - silbido
    - better
    - black
    - cut
    - dislodge
    - face
    - fire hydrant
    - froth
    - gob
    - hydrant
    - kiss
    - mouth
    - muzzle
    - open
    - parched
    - pit
    - pitch-black
    - pitch-dark
    - prone
    - puff
    - rinse
    - roof
    - spout
    - stomach
    - tongue
    - upward
    - upwards
    - wash out
    - water
    - wide
    - word
    - word-of-mouth
    - belch
    - do
    - down
    - drool
    - foam
    - hum
    - man
    - mum
    - nozzle
    - pipe
    - purse
    - put
    - roll
    - sewer
    - spoon
    - take
    - ulcer
    - up
    * * *
    1. [de persona, animal] mouth;
    una boca más para alimentar one more mouth to feed;
    me he arreglado la boca por muy poco dinero I had my teeth seen to for a very reasonable price;
    te huele la boca a tabaco your breath smells of tobacco;
    boca abajo face down;
    no es aconsejable poner a los bebés boca abajo it's best not to lie babies on their front;
    boca arriba face up;
    ronca más cuando duerme boca arriba he snores more when he sleeps on his back;
    poner las cartas boca arriba to turn one's cards face up;
    este paseo me ha abierto boca this walk has whetted my appetite;
    no abrió la boca he didn't open his mouth, he didn't say a word;
    será mejor que no abras la boca it would be best if you didn't say anything;
    si te hace falta algo, pide por esa boca if you need anything, just say so o ask;
    andar o [m5] correr o [m5] ir de boca en boca to be on everyone's lips;
    andar o [m5] estar en boca de todos to be on everyone's lips;
    buscar la boca a alguien to draw sb out;
    ¡cállate o [m5] cierra la boca! shut up!;
    siempre que hay problemas calla la boca whenever there are problems, he keeps very quiet;
    apareció en público para cerrar la boca a quienes lo daban por muerto he appeared in public in order to silence everyone who thought he was dead;
    de boca: de boca promete mucho, pero luego no hace nada he's all talk, he makes a lot of promises, but then he never keeps them;
    es muy valiente, pero de boca he's all mouth;
    de boca de: sorprendió escuchar insultos de boca de un obispo it was surprising to hear insults from the lips of a bishop;
    lo escuchamos de boca de los protagonistas we heard it (straight) from the horse's mouth;
    lo dice con la boca chica he doesn't really mean it;
    hablar por boca de ganso to repeat what one has heard;
    hacer boca: dimos un paseo para hacer boca we went for a walk to work up an appetite;
    se me hace la boca agua, Am [m5] se me hace agua la boca it makes my mouth water;
    cuando paso delante de una pastelería, se me hace la boca agua whenever I go past a cake shop, my mouth starts to water;
    irse de la boca to let the cat out of the bag;
    se fue de la boca he let the cat out of the bag;
    lo han detenido porque su cómplice se ha ido de la boca he has been arrested because his accomplice gave him away;
    meterse en la boca del lobo to put one's head into the lion's mouth;
    no decir esta boca es mía not to open one's mouth;
    no tienen nada que llevarse a la boca they don't have a crust to eat;
    partir la boca a alguien to smash sb's face in;
    salir/ir a pedir de boca to turn out/to go perfectly;
    poner algo en boca de alguien to attribute sth to sb;
    por boca de: [m5]el gobierno, por boca de su portavoz… the government, through its spokesperson…;
    quedarse con la boca abierta to be left speechless;
    me lo has quitado de la boca you took the words right out of my mouth;
    tapar la boca a alguien to silence sb;
    su nombre no me viene ahora a la boca I can't think of her name right now;
    siempre dice lo primero que le viene a la boca he always says the first thing that comes into his head;
    por la boca muere el pez silence is golden;
    quien tiene boca se equivoca to err is human, everybody makes mistakes
    2. [entrada] opening;
    [de botella, túnel] mouth; [de buzón] slot; [de cañón] muzzle; [de escenario] stage door; [de puerto] entrance;
    las bocas del Danubio the mouth of the Danube;
    a boca de jarro point-blank
    boca del estómago pit of the stomach; RP boca de expendio outlet;
    boca de fuego firearm;
    boca de gol goalmouth;
    boca de metro Br tube o underground entrance, US subway entrance;
    boca de riego hydrant;
    RP boca de subte Br tube o underground entrance, US subway entrance; RP boca de tormenta drain
    3. Zool [pinza] pincer
    4. [filo] cutting edge
    5. [del vino] flavour
    6. Bot boca de dragón snapdragon
    7. CAm [aperitivo] snack
    boca a boca mouth-to-mouth resuscitation;
    hacer el boca a boca a alguien to give sb mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, to give sb the kiss of life
    * * *
    1 mouth;
    boca a boca mouth to mouth;
    hacer el boca a boca a alguien MED give s.o. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation;
    boca abajo upside down; persona, cartas, libro face down;
    boca arriba right way up; persona, cartas, libro face up;
    dejar con la boca abierta leave open-mouthed;
    quedarse con la boca abierta be dumbfounded, be open-mouthed with astonishment;
    se me hace la boca agua my mouth is watering;
    hacer boca whet one’s appetite;
    a pedir de boca perfectly;
    ir o
    correr de boca en boca circulate, go around;
    callar la boca shut up;
    estar en boca de todos be on everybody’s lips;
    de otro fam parrot someone else’s views;
    meterse en la boca del lobo put one’s head in the lion’s mouth;
    taparle la boca a alguien fig keep s.o. quiet, fam
    shut s.o. up;
    con la boca chica without much conviction;
    partirle la boca a alguien pop smash s.o.’s face in fam ;
    poner algo en boca de alguien attribute sth to s.o.;
    quitarle a alguien la palabra de la boca take the words right out of s.o.’s mouth;
    llenarse la boca (hablando) de fig talk of nothing but;
    do without sth, deny o.s. sth
    2 ZO crab claw
    * * *
    boca nf
    1) : mouth
    boca arriba : face up, on one's back
    boca abajo : face down, prone
    boca de riego : hydrant
    en boca de : according to
    * * *
    boca n
    1. (de persona, animal) mouth
    2. (entrada) entrance
    cuando pienso en la comida, se me hace la boca agua when I think about food, it makes my mouth water

    Spanish-English dictionary > boca

  • 14 E

    E, e, indecl. n. or (sc. littera) fem., a vowel corresponding to both the e and the ê of the Greeks, Ter. Maur. p. 2386 P.; Aus. Idyll. de Litter. Monos. 3 and 4; Mart. Cap. 3, § 235. Its sound varied; short e being sounded sometimes like Engl. e in men (so in pater, inter, etc.), sometimes more nearly like short i, as in Engl. pin (so in famelia, mereto, Menerva, etc.); whence, in the literary language, it passed, in a large class of words, into ĭ (familia, merito, etc.), though retained in the popular speech, and oft. in inscriptions. Long e also varied in sound, often resembling the diphthong ae, with which it is constantly confounded in MSS. and inscrr. (cf. raeda and reda; saeculum and seculum; ceteri and caeteri, etc.), and often approaching the sound of ī (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 324 sqq.). The short e in Latin is the least emphatic of all the vowels; hence, it not only took the place of other vowels in changes of words where the sounds became weakened, and in the vulgar language where the vowel sounds were less sharply distinguished, but frequently took the place of a final syllable ending in a consonant, and was sometimes, especially at the end of words, rejected.
    The transition of ă into ĕ (which took place especially before two consonants, whereas usually ă passed into ĭ in open syllables, v. art. A.) is seen in the compounds refello, commendo, ineptus, confercio, incestus, perpetior, etc. In some words the orthography is unsettled, as in the compounds of spargo, which are written sometimes aspergo, conspergo, dispergo, etc., and sometimes aspargo, conspargo, dispargo, etc.; as along with dispando the vulgar form dispenno also occurs. So in all the verbal reduplications, as cĕcidi, cĕcini, pĕperi, pĕpigi, tĕtigi; pĕperci, fĕfelli; dĕdi and stĕti (from cado, cano, pario, pango, tango, parco, fallo, DA and STA), whereas the vowels i, o, u remain unchanged in reduplication (bĭbi; mŏmordi; tŭtudi; for the anomalous forms in Gell. 7, 9, are certainly Graecized). As along with pĕpĭgi there also arose by syncope (in the Lat. lang. a predominating element in the formation of words) the perfect pēgi; so we may explain the perfect forms cēpi, fēci, jēci, frēgi, and ēgi, as syncopated from cĕcĭpi, fĕfĭci, jĕjĭci, frĕfĭgi, and ĕïgi (this last analogously with dēgo, from dēĭgo).
    For i stands ĕ
    in the neuter forms of the adjectives in is (acre, agreste, facile, etc.).—
    In the nominative forms: aedes, apes, canes, etc. (for aedis, apis, canis, etc. v. h. vv.).—
    In the dative forms: morte, jure dicundo, Dijove, Victore, etc. (cf. Neue, Formenl. 1, 192 sq.; and Quint. 1, 4, 17). —
    In the nominatives in es, whose genitive has ĭtis.—
    In the nominatives from stems ending in c, b, p, t, n, etc., as, pollex, caelebs, princeps, comes, flumen, from pollic-, caelib-, princip-, comit-, flumin-; and
    In the old and partly vulgar manner of writing and pronouncing: CEPET, EXEMET, NAVEBOS (Colum. Rostr.), FVET, DEDET, TEMPESTATEBVS, TIBE (Epit. of the Scipios), COMPROMESISE (S. C. de Bacch.), MENERVA, MAGESTER, HERE, VEA, VELLA, etc. (Quint. 1, 4, 8, and 17; Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 14; cf. Cic. de Or. 3, 12, 46). In the earliest period (before Plautus) ĕ was found in many words in which ĭ afterwards took its place; as: semul, fuet, mereto, tempestatebus, etc.—
    It is prob. too that the abl. ĕ of the third declension proceeded from ī (or id); cf. Neue, Formenl. 1, 239 sqq.; Corss. Ausspr. 2, 241 sq.
    It less freq. happens that o and u pass over into ĕ, as vello, ocellus, verto, vertex, vester, compared with vulsi, oculus, vorto, vortex, voster: generis from genus, societas from socius, etc.; and even for long u we have ĕ in dejĕro and pejĕro, from jūro.
    The stem vowel o is weakened to ĕ in the vocative of nouns in us of the second declension; ĕ also represents o in the perf. and in pass. forms, such as scripsere, conabare, conabere, from scripserunt, conabaris, conaberis; in the future forms attinge, dice, facie, recipie, from attingam, dicam, faciam, recipiam (see under dico init.); in the forms mage, pote, from magis, potis, etc.; it is inserted for euphony in the nom. of many nouns and adjj whose stems end in r preceded by a mute, as ager, aper, liber, aeger, ruber, sacer, etc.
    The vowel e is suppressed in the imperatives dic, duc, fac, fer, in the anteclass infinitive biber (from bibere); in the vocative of the second declension of nouns in ius, as Gai, geni, fili, canteri, columbari, mantuari, volturi, mi (cf. Freund in Jahn's Neue Jahrbüch, 1835, vol. 13, p. 148 sq.), in enclitic particles often, as: hic, haec, hoc, for hice, etc.; so, illaec, sic, nunc, nec, ac, etc.: viden, potin: quin, for quine, etc., and as an initial in the present forms of the verb esse (sum, sumus, sunt; sim, etc., for esum, esumus, esunt, esim, etc.). But the forms facul, simul, Bacchanal, etc., are not apocopated. Even a radical ĕ sometimes drops out when a prefix or suffix is taken; so, gigno, for gigeno: malignus, for maligenus: gnatus, for genatus.
    The long e interchanges most freq. with the diphthongs ae and oe (q. v.); yet it sometimes also took the place of ā, as in anhēlo, from hālo, and in the rustic bēlo, for bālo; and likewise of ī, as LEBER, SPECA, AMECVS, for līber, spīca, amīcus (Quint. Inst. l. l.; Varr. R. R. 1, 48, 2; Paul. ex Fest. p. 15, 6 Müll.); and in words borrowed from the Greek, as chorēa, Darēus, along with Academīa, Alexandrīa; see the letter I.
    As an abbreviation, E (mostly in connection with other abbreviations) signifies egregius, equus, eques, erexit, evocatus, etc.; e. g. E. M. V. = egregiae memoriae vir; E. Q. R. = eques Romanus; EE. QQ. RR. = equites Romani; E. P. = equo publico; E. M. D. S. P. E. = e monitu de sua pecunia erexit, etc.
    e.. praep., out of, from, v. ex.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > E

  • 15 e

    E, e, indecl. n. or (sc. littera) fem., a vowel corresponding to both the e and the ê of the Greeks, Ter. Maur. p. 2386 P.; Aus. Idyll. de Litter. Monos. 3 and 4; Mart. Cap. 3, § 235. Its sound varied; short e being sounded sometimes like Engl. e in men (so in pater, inter, etc.), sometimes more nearly like short i, as in Engl. pin (so in famelia, mereto, Menerva, etc.); whence, in the literary language, it passed, in a large class of words, into ĭ (familia, merito, etc.), though retained in the popular speech, and oft. in inscriptions. Long e also varied in sound, often resembling the diphthong ae, with which it is constantly confounded in MSS. and inscrr. (cf. raeda and reda; saeculum and seculum; ceteri and caeteri, etc.), and often approaching the sound of ī (v. Corss. Ausspr. 1, 324 sqq.). The short e in Latin is the least emphatic of all the vowels; hence, it not only took the place of other vowels in changes of words where the sounds became weakened, and in the vulgar language where the vowel sounds were less sharply distinguished, but frequently took the place of a final syllable ending in a consonant, and was sometimes, especially at the end of words, rejected.
    The transition of ă into ĕ (which took place especially before two consonants, whereas usually ă passed into ĭ in open syllables, v. art. A.) is seen in the compounds refello, commendo, ineptus, confercio, incestus, perpetior, etc. In some words the orthography is unsettled, as in the compounds of spargo, which are written sometimes aspergo, conspergo, dispergo, etc., and sometimes aspargo, conspargo, dispargo, etc.; as along with dispando the vulgar form dispenno also occurs. So in all the verbal reduplications, as cĕcidi, cĕcini, pĕperi, pĕpigi, tĕtigi; pĕperci, fĕfelli; dĕdi and stĕti (from cado, cano, pario, pango, tango, parco, fallo, DA and STA), whereas the vowels i, o, u remain unchanged in reduplication (bĭbi; mŏmordi; tŭtudi; for the anomalous forms in Gell. 7, 9, are certainly Graecized). As along with pĕpĭgi there also arose by syncope (in the Lat. lang. a predominating element in the formation of words) the perfect pēgi; so we may explain the perfect forms cēpi, fēci, jēci, frēgi, and ēgi, as syncopated from cĕcĭpi, fĕfĭci, jĕjĭci, frĕfĭgi, and ĕïgi (this last analogously with dēgo, from dēĭgo).
    For i stands ĕ
    in the neuter forms of the adjectives in is (acre, agreste, facile, etc.).—
    In the nominative forms: aedes, apes, canes, etc. (for aedis, apis, canis, etc. v. h. vv.).—
    In the dative forms: morte, jure dicundo, Dijove, Victore, etc. (cf. Neue, Formenl. 1, 192 sq.; and Quint. 1, 4, 17). —
    In the nominatives in es, whose genitive has ĭtis.—
    In the nominatives from stems ending in c, b, p, t, n, etc., as, pollex, caelebs, princeps, comes, flumen, from pollic-, caelib-, princip-, comit-, flumin-; and
    In the old and partly vulgar manner of writing and pronouncing: CEPET, EXEMET, NAVEBOS (Colum. Rostr.), FVET, DEDET, TEMPESTATEBVS, TIBE (Epit. of the Scipios), COMPROMESISE (S. C. de Bacch.), MENERVA, MAGESTER, HERE, VEA, VELLA, etc. (Quint. 1, 4, 8, and 17; Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 14; cf. Cic. de Or. 3, 12, 46). In the earliest period (before Plautus) ĕ was found in many words in which ĭ afterwards took its place; as: semul, fuet, mereto, tempestatebus, etc.—
    It is prob. too that the abl. ĕ of the third declension proceeded from ī (or id); cf. Neue, Formenl. 1, 239 sqq.; Corss. Ausspr. 2, 241 sq.
    It less freq. happens that o and u pass over into ĕ, as vello, ocellus, verto, vertex, vester, compared with vulsi, oculus, vorto, vortex, voster: generis from genus, societas from socius, etc.; and even for long u we have ĕ in dejĕro and pejĕro, from jūro.
    The stem vowel o is weakened to ĕ in the vocative of nouns in us of the second declension; ĕ also represents o in the perf. and in pass. forms, such as scripsere, conabare, conabere, from scripserunt, conabaris, conaberis; in the future forms attinge, dice, facie, recipie, from attingam, dicam, faciam, recipiam (see under dico init.); in the forms mage, pote, from magis, potis, etc.; it is inserted for euphony in the nom. of many nouns and adjj whose stems end in r preceded by a mute, as ager, aper, liber, aeger, ruber, sacer, etc.
    The vowel e is suppressed in the imperatives dic, duc, fac, fer, in the anteclass infinitive biber (from bibere); in the vocative of the second declension of nouns in ius, as Gai, geni, fili, canteri, columbari, mantuari, volturi, mi (cf. Freund in Jahn's Neue Jahrbüch, 1835, vol. 13, p. 148 sq.), in enclitic particles often, as: hic, haec, hoc, for hice, etc.; so, illaec, sic, nunc, nec, ac, etc.: viden, potin: quin, for quine, etc., and as an initial in the present forms of the verb esse (sum, sumus, sunt; sim, etc., for esum, esumus, esunt, esim, etc.). But the forms facul, simul, Bacchanal, etc., are not apocopated. Even a radical ĕ sometimes drops out when a prefix or suffix is taken; so, gigno, for gigeno: malignus, for maligenus: gnatus, for genatus.
    The long e interchanges most freq. with the diphthongs ae and oe (q. v.); yet it sometimes also took the place of ā, as in anhēlo, from hālo, and in the rustic bēlo, for bālo; and likewise of ī, as LEBER, SPECA, AMECVS, for līber, spīca, amīcus (Quint. Inst. l. l.; Varr. R. R. 1, 48, 2; Paul. ex Fest. p. 15, 6 Müll.); and in words borrowed from the Greek, as chorēa, Darēus, along with Academīa, Alexandrīa; see the letter I.
    As an abbreviation, E (mostly in connection with other abbreviations) signifies egregius, equus, eques, erexit, evocatus, etc.; e. g. E. M. V. = egregiae memoriae vir; E. Q. R. = eques Romanus; EE. QQ. RR. = equites Romani; E. P. = equo publico; E. M. D. S. P. E. = e monitu de sua pecunia erexit, etc.
    e.. praep., out of, from, v. ex.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > e

  • 16 cambio1

    1 = adaptive response, alteration, change, editing, modulation, move, recasting, redesign, rotation, shift, transfer, transformation, changeover [change-over], disturbance, mutation, permeability, reformation, switchover, reverse, shift away from, shifting, changing of the guard, swing, bartering, switch, switching, change.
    Ex. It is too early to assess the success of the adaptive responses which have been instituted in most SLIS.
    Ex. A musical adaptation is a musical work that represents a distinct alteration of another work (e.g. a free transcription), a work that paraphrases parts of various works or the general style of another composer, or a work that is merely based on other music (e.g. variations on a them).
    Ex. These changes have meant modifications, some very time-consuming, to serials catalogues in libraries.
    Ex. To ensure further that all the index entries generated by chain procedure are indeed helpful, the initial analysis of the chain may require editing.
    Ex. There is little modulation, whole steps of division being short-circuited and an odd assembly of terms being frequently found: e.g.: LAW see also JURY, JUDGES.
    Ex. Better flexibility is achieved if the heating, ventilation and lighting can accommodate this move without the need for any alterations.
    Ex. This kind of large-scale recasting offers an opportunity for the scheme to go forward rather than stagnate until it is completely taken by events.
    Ex. This action was the redesign of the enquiry form in order to elicit more information from the enquirer.
    Ex. The entries that result from the rotation mechanism have standard layout, punctuation and typography, all of which have been pre-programmed.
    Ex. Transitory circumstances of daily life are what cause these shifts.
    Ex. When the record transfer is complete, the catalog summary screen is shown for the new record so that the user can review and update it.
    Ex. Hungary faces far-reaching socio-economic transformation which will inevitably affect libraries as well.
    Ex. The changeover has resulted in more rapid machine-editing of input and reduced costs for cataloguing.
    Ex. A centralised system was chosen to ensure speedy receipt and dissemination with minimal disturbances.
    Ex. The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = Los significados mismos de palabras como "biblioteca" y "universidad" están a punto de experimentar cambios demasiado radicales de concevir y cuanto mucho menos de predecir.
    Ex. There is greater permeability than before between different types of library at the start of a career but, once settled in a post, fewer librarians than before change from one type of library to another.
    Ex. The author presents suggestions for the reformation of medical library education.
    Ex. The transition date for the switchover is 1 Oct 2000.
    Ex. Moreover, we conclude that the process of placing a feminist stamp on working relations is both far from complete and subject to reverses.
    Ex. This article discusses the effects of changes in the economy on the distribution of work in libraries which indicate a shift away from its female origins.
    Ex. This article considers the use of a spreadsheet in the shifting of periodicals collections in order to save time.
    Ex. The recent reorganization has resulted in a merger of the academic and public divisions and a changing of the guard among the company's top officials.
    Ex. The addition of new feedback techniques produced a significant swing in favour of the application.
    Ex. Holdings will become increasingly important as a bartering tool to gain additional access benefits.
    Ex. Office automation have brought about a switch to a paperless office.
    Ex. These 'spuriously loyal' customers are not willing to churn just because of switching costs.
    Ex. Most libraries maintain a small cash float for the giving of change and, in addition, money/ is received in payment of fines.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * aceptar el cambio = embrace + change.
    * aceptar un cambio = accommodate + change.
    * adaptarse al cambio = accommodate to + change, adapt to + change.
    * adaptarse a los cambios = flow with + the tides.
    * adoptar un cambio = adopt + change, accommodate + change.
    * agente de cambio = agent of(for) change, force for change, force of change.
    * agente del cambio = change agent.
    * aires de cambio = wind(s) of change, the, seas of change, the.
    * cambio a = flight to.
    * cambio brusco = revulsion, flip-flop.
    * cambio brusco de velocidad del viento = wind shear.
    * cambio climático = climate change, climatic change.
    * cambio cualitativo = step change, qualitative change.
    * cambio cuantitativo = quantitative change.
    * cambio cultural = cultural change.
    * cambio de actitud = change in attitude, change of heart.
    * cambio de aires = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene, greener pastures, pastures new.
    * cambio de ambiente = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene.
    * cambio de aspecto = lick of paint.
    * cambio de ciudadanía = change of citizenship.
    * cambio de dirección = change of hands.
    * cambio de dueño = change of hands.
    * cambio de énfasis = shift of emphasis, shift in emphasis.
    * cambio de entorno = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene.
    * cambio de hora estacional = daylight saving time.
    * cambio de idea = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de imagen = makeover [make-over], makeover [make-over].
    * cambio de instalación eléctrica = rewiring.
    * cambio de la guardia = changing of the guard.
    * cambio de look = lick of paint.
    * cambio de lugar = relocation.
    * cambio de manos = change of hands.
    * cambio de mirada = gaze-shift.
    * cambio demográfico = population trend.
    * cambio de nacionalidad = change of citizenship.
    * cambio de nombre = rebranding.
    * cambio de opinión = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de orientación = paradigm change, paradigm shift.
    * cambio de paradigma = paradigm change, paradigm shift.
    * cambio de parecer = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de procedimiento = procedural change.
    * cambio de propietario = change of hands.
    * cambio de proveedor = churn.
    * cambio de registro = code switching.
    * cambio de residencia = resettlement.
    * cambio de servicio = churn.
    * cambio de sexo = sex change.
    * cambio de título = title change.
    * cambio escénico = scene changing.
    * cambio estacional = seasonal change.
    * cambio hormonal = hormonal change.
    * cambio inesperado = twist.
    * cambio institucional = institutional change.
    * cambio metereológico = weather modification.
    * cambio + ocurrir = change + take place.
    * cambio + producirse = change + come about.
    * cambio profundo = profound change.
    * cambio radical = revulsion, sea change, radical change.
    * cambio radical de postura = about-face.
    * cambio revolucionario = revolutionary change.
    * cambios = second thoughts, ebb and flow.
    * cambio social = social change, societal change.
    * cambio + suceder = change + take place.
    * cambio + tener lugar = change + take place.
    * cambio total = turnabout [turn-about], turnaround.
    * cambio transformador = transformative change, transforming change.
    * cambio traumático = traumatic change.
    * cambio vertiginoso = spiral of change.
    * clima de cambio = climate of change.
    * efectuar cambios = wreak + changes.
    * efectuar un cambio = effect + change.
    * elemento de cambio = agent of(for) change.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * enfrentarse a los cambios = cope with + change.
    * en proceso de cambio = changing.
    * estado de cambio = state of flux.
    * estar en estado de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar en proceso de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar sujeto a cambios = be written in sand, not stone, be subject to change.
    * experimentar un cambio = bring about + change, undergo + modification, undergo + change, undergo + transition.
    * experimentar un cambio + Adjetivo = take + a + Adjetivo + turn.
    * hacer cambios en la búsqueda = renegotiate + search.
    * hacer cambios indebidamente = tamper (with).
    * hacer el cambio = make + the change.
    * hacer frente al cambio = manage + change.
    * hacer frente a un cambio = meet + change.
    * hacer un cambio = make + change.
    * impulsor del cambio = driver of change.
    * introducir un cambio = bring + change.
    * libre cambio = laissez-faire.
    * línea internacional de cambio de fecha, la = International Date Line, the.
    * lograr un cambio = accomplish + change.
    * los constantes cambios de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * momento clave del cambio = tipping point.
    * moneda de cambio = bargaining chip.
    * mostrar por medio de cambio de intensidad en el brillo = flash up.
    * motor del cambio = driver of change.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no sufrir cambios = remain + normal.
    * ocasionar un cambio = bring about + change, trigger + change.
    * operación de cambio de sexo = sex-change surgery, sex-change operation.
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * proceso de cambio = process of change.
    * producir un cambio = effect + change, produce + change, trigger + change.
    * provocar cambios = wreak + changes.
    * provocar un cambio = bring about + change.
    * reacio al cambio = resistant to change.
    * realizar un cambio = make + alteration, implement + change.
    * repercusiones del cambio = impact of change.
    * resistente al cambio = resistant to change.
    * ritmo del cambio = rate of change, pace of change.
    * ser susceptible de cambios = be subject to change.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * subsidio para cambio de residencia = resettlement allowance.
    * suceder un cambio = occur + change.
    * sucesión de cambios bruscos = roller coaster ride, roller coaster.
    * sufrir un cambio = experience + change, undergo + change.
    * suponer un cambio = bring about + change.
    * trabajar a cambio de nada = work for + nothing.

    Spanish-English dictionary > cambio1

  • 17 estar a punto de

    to be about to
    to be about to, be on the point of
    * * *
    (v.) = be poised to, be about to, be on the point of, stand + poised, come + very close to
    Ex. The compact disc, which has already revolutionised domestic audio entertainment, is poised to exert quite as big an influence on the world of the business user.
    Ex. The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = Los significados mismos de palabras como "biblioteca" y "universidad" están a punto de experimentar cambios demasiado radicales de concevir y cuanto mucho menos de predecir.
    Ex. She was on the point of saying 'How dare you call him that?' but she checked herself.
    Ex. The Arabian Gulf Libraries stand poised at the threshold of networking.
    Ex. A new hypothesis about recent human evolution suggests that we came very close to extinction because of a 'volcanic winter' that occurred 71000 years ago.
    * * *
    (v.) = be poised to, be about to, be on the point of, stand + poised, come + very close to

    Ex: The compact disc, which has already revolutionised domestic audio entertainment, is poised to exert quite as big an influence on the world of the business user.

    Ex: The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = Los significados mismos de palabras como "biblioteca" y "universidad" están a punto de experimentar cambios demasiado radicales de concevir y cuanto mucho menos de predecir.
    Ex: She was on the point of saying 'How dare you call him that?' but she checked herself.
    Ex: The Arabian Gulf Libraries stand poised at the threshold of networking.
    Ex: A new hypothesis about recent human evolution suggests that we came very close to extinction because of a 'volcanic winter' that occurred 71000 years ago.

    Spanish-English dictionary > estar a punto de

  • 18 irritar

    1 to irritate.
    Su actitud irrita a Ricardo His attitude irritates Richard.
    La loción irrita la piel The lotion irritates the skin.
    2 to annul.
    El documento irrita la apelación The document annuls the appeal.
    * * *
    1 to irritate
    1 to lose one's temper, get annoyed
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=enfadar) to irritate
    2) (Med) to irritate
    3) [+ celos, pasiones] to stir up, inflame
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <piel/garganta> to irritate
    b) < persona> to annoy, irritate
    irritarse v pron
    a) piel/ojos to become irritated
    b) persona to get annoyed, get irritated
    * * *
    = irk, needle, irritate, rattle + Posesivo + cage, rub + Nombre + up the wrong way, spite, annoy, roil, nerve, gall, rile, peeve, enrage, hit + a (raw) nerve, strike + a nerve, exasperate, touch + a (raw) nerve, raise + Posesivo + hackles.
    Ex. She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.
    Ex. She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.
    Ex. Their education must accordingly be designed to prepare them for that future, however much this may irritate the myopics whose only concern is for the present.
    Ex. The author maintains that his poem makes an attempt to rattle the cage and is a gesture toward revolt, a call to abandon any vision of human life that does not embrace the sexual universe.
    Ex. Relations between the two countries would now be difficult as our Prime Minister had rubbed theirs up the wrong way over ridiculous matters.
    Ex. Men's abuse of children is in many instances instrumental in order to coerce or retaliate against women, echoing the Greek myth of Medea who killed her own children to spite her father.
    Ex. Library pests are any humans, large or microscopic beasts, library equipment or installations, or chemical and biological substances that hamper or annoy the reader.
    Ex. Episcopalians were roiled by the approval of a rector outspokenly conservative on such matters as the liturgy, the hymnal and ordination.
    Ex. But there's something which has nerved me before with the forum.
    Ex. It was the American attitude of superiority that galled them the most.
    Ex. Now is not the time for superfluous rantings intended to rile the public.
    Ex. Things like talking over the performances and cutting to commercials in the middle of performances were really peaving the people who watched.
    Ex. On a recent field trip, he drank too much and became enraged with another student by whom he felt insulted.
    Ex. Based on their account, it seems obvious that Beauperthuy hit a raw nerve among some of the medical research leaders of the day.
    Ex. His plethoric prose produced by a prodigious placement of words struck a nerve.
    Ex. Radical intellectuals often seem exasperated by what appears as excessive attention paid to conceptualization.
    Ex. Obama's election seems to have touched a raw nerve in conservative white America, unleashing a torrent of right-wing rage unseen in this country.
    Ex. But be prepared to raise some hackles if you take this approach, because it is essential you do it openly and not behind your boss' back.
    * irritarse con = get + short with.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <piel/garganta> to irritate
    b) < persona> to annoy, irritate
    irritarse v pron
    a) piel/ojos to become irritated
    b) persona to get annoyed, get irritated
    * * *
    = irk, needle, irritate, rattle + Posesivo + cage, rub + Nombre + up the wrong way, spite, annoy, roil, nerve, gall, rile, peeve, enrage, hit + a (raw) nerve, strike + a nerve, exasperate, touch + a (raw) nerve, raise + Posesivo + hackles.

    Ex: She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.

    Ex: She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.
    Ex: Their education must accordingly be designed to prepare them for that future, however much this may irritate the myopics whose only concern is for the present.
    Ex: The author maintains that his poem makes an attempt to rattle the cage and is a gesture toward revolt, a call to abandon any vision of human life that does not embrace the sexual universe.
    Ex: Relations between the two countries would now be difficult as our Prime Minister had rubbed theirs up the wrong way over ridiculous matters.
    Ex: Men's abuse of children is in many instances instrumental in order to coerce or retaliate against women, echoing the Greek myth of Medea who killed her own children to spite her father.
    Ex: Library pests are any humans, large or microscopic beasts, library equipment or installations, or chemical and biological substances that hamper or annoy the reader.
    Ex: Episcopalians were roiled by the approval of a rector outspokenly conservative on such matters as the liturgy, the hymnal and ordination.
    Ex: But there's something which has nerved me before with the forum.
    Ex: It was the American attitude of superiority that galled them the most.
    Ex: Now is not the time for superfluous rantings intended to rile the public.
    Ex: Things like talking over the performances and cutting to commercials in the middle of performances were really peaving the people who watched.
    Ex: On a recent field trip, he drank too much and became enraged with another student by whom he felt insulted.
    Ex: Based on their account, it seems obvious that Beauperthuy hit a raw nerve among some of the medical research leaders of the day.
    Ex: His plethoric prose produced by a prodigious placement of words struck a nerve.
    Ex: Radical intellectuals often seem exasperated by what appears as excessive attention paid to conceptualization.
    Ex: Obama's election seems to have touched a raw nerve in conservative white America, unleashing a torrent of right-wing rage unseen in this country.
    Ex: But be prepared to raise some hackles if you take this approach, because it is essential you do it openly and not behind your boss' back.
    * irritarse con = get + short with.

    * * *
    irritar [A1 ]
    1 ‹piel/garganta› to irritate
    el humo le irritaba los ojos the smoke was irritating his eyes
    tiene la garganta irritada his throat is sore o inflamed
    2 ‹persona› to annoy, irritate
    1 «piel/ojos» to become irritated
    2 «persona» to get annoyed, get irritated
    se irritó por lo que le dije he got annoyed o irritated at what I said
    nunca se irrita con las críticas de sus adversarios she never gets annoyed at her opponents' criticisms
    * * *

    irritar ( conjugate irritar) verbo transitivo
    a)piel/garganta to irritate;

    tiene la garganta irritada his throat is sore o inflamed

    irritarse verbo pronominal
    a) [piel/ojos] to become irritated

    irritar verbo transitivo to irritate
    ' irritar' also found in these entries:
    - enfermar
    - picar
    - provocar
    - chocar
    - fastidiar
    - reventar
    - irk
    - irritate
    - needle
    - rile
    - roil
    - rub
    - annoy
    - vex
    * * *
    1. [enfadar] to irritate, to annoy
    2. [piel, garganta] to irritate;
    me irritó la garganta/piel it gave me a sore throat/a rash;
    el humo me irrita los pulmones smoke irritates my lungs
    * * *
    v/t tb MED irritate
    * * *
    : to irritate
    * * *
    irritar vb to irritate

    Spanish-English dictionary > irritar

  • 19 metamorfosis

    f. s.&pl.
    metamorphosis (also figurative).
    * * *
    1 metamorphosis
    * * *
    SF INV metamorphosis frm, transformation
    * * *
    metamórfosis femenino (pl metamorfosis) metamorphosis
    * * *
    = metamorphosis [metamorphoses, -pl.], mutation.
    Ex. The number should remain inviolate regardless of the heading's metamorphoses.
    Ex. The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = Los significados mismos de palabras como "biblioteca" y "universidad" están a punto de experimentar cambios demasiado radicales de concevir y cuanto mucho menos de predecir.
    * * *
    metamórfosis femenino (pl metamorfosis) metamorphosis
    * * *
    = metamorphosis [metamorphoses, -pl.], mutation.

    Ex: The number should remain inviolate regardless of the heading's metamorphoses.

    Ex: The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = Los significados mismos de palabras como "biblioteca" y "universidad" están a punto de experimentar cambios demasiado radicales de concevir y cuanto mucho menos de predecir.

    * * *
    metamorfosis, metamórfosis
    su personalidad ha sufrido una verdadera metamorfosis she has undergone a real character transformation o personality change
    * * *

    metamórfosis sustantivo femenino (pl metamorfosis) metamorphosis

    metamorfosis f inv metamorphosis: ¡esta chica ha experimentado una metamorfosis!, this girl has undergone a metamorphosis!

    ' metamorfosis' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    metamorfosis nf inv
    1. [en animales] metamorphosis
    2. [en personas, ciudades] metamorphosis, transformation
    * * *
    f inv transformation, metamorphosis
    * * *
    metamorfosis nfs & pl
    : metamorphosis

    Spanish-English dictionary > metamorfosis

  • 20 mutación

    1 mutation, transformation, metamorphosis, saltation.
    2 change, alteration.
    * * *
    1 change
    2 BIOLOGÍA mutation
    * * *
    1) (=cambio) change
    2) (Bio) mutation
    3) (Ling) mutation
    4) (Teat) scene change
    * * *
    femenino mutation
    * * *
    Ex. The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = Los significados mismos de palabras como "biblioteca" y "universidad" están a punto de experimentar cambios demasiado radicales de concevir y cuanto mucho menos de predecir.
    * * *
    femenino mutation
    * * *

    Ex: The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = Los significados mismos de palabras como "biblioteca" y "universidad" están a punto de experimentar cambios demasiado radicales de concevir y cuanto mucho menos de predecir.

    * * *
    * * *

    mutación sustantivo femenino
    mutación f Biol mutation
    ' mutación' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    1. [cambio] sudden change
    2. Biol mutation
    * * *
    1 BIO mutation
    2 TEA scene change
    * * *
    mutación nf, pl - ciones : mutation

    Spanish-English dictionary > mutación

См. также в других словарях:

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